View Full Version : Very scared! Can`t function

Purple Fish
07-07-10, 17:05

I found a tiny lump in my stomach near my belly button 2 weeks ago. Went to the docs and he said it was a fatty cyst, nothing to worry about.

Anyway, went back to docs again today as I can feel it when I bend sometimes like a `pinch`. It`s making me so worried. :weep: I can`t concentrate, I feel so depressed, my kids finish for the holidays in a couple of weeks and I can`t think about days out!

My doc knows how I worry so he`s suggested I have it removed with a local anaesthetic at the hospital. I`m scared, they`ll test it as I know they have to. Then I`ll be scared they`ll find something.

Please, I need to know everything`s OK.

Tanya :weep:

07-07-10, 18:18
You are fine.

Ask yourself this question:

Exactly how will getting stressed about this benefit you or change the outcome?

Answer it honestly.

Then relax because you can't change anything by worrying.

Purple Fish
07-07-10, 19:31
Hi Skippy,

I guess deep down I know I am fine, but it`s always that doubt of the outcome? Like my friend said to me earlier - the doc told you it was a fatty cyst so stop worrying!

It`s only the size of a pea! I`ve has an ovarian cyst the size of a rugby ball and that was fine!

Tanya x

07-07-10, 19:44
i had that in my breast...it was a fatty lump in the end.

i wasted a xmas party worrying and being upset etc...dont bother! just enjoy and worry when u need to worry!

easier said than done i know though!

Purple Fish
07-07-10, 19:55
Yeh I know, I`ve got a thing about `lumps` now though ever since the ovarian cyst nearly 5 years ago!! I think to myself - it shouldn`t be there so get it out!!

I`m just hoping my hospital appointment won`t take long. Then I guess I`ll have to have an appointment first before they take it out!!

Ho hum!

07-07-10, 21:21
just think how amazing the people who have been diagnosed with cancer in the last few weeks would feel if they had been told they only had a fatty lump!!! this should help you to keep it in perspective. i personally would not want to risk a general anasthetic/infection risk etc to remove something so tiny and benign!

Purple Fish
08-07-10, 07:52
The thing is it does actually pinch when I bend forward sometimes and it`s annoying. I`ve only got to have a local anaesthetic to have it removed so I`m not worried about that.

If I couldn`t feel it pinching I would leave it alone.


08-07-10, 16:56
i'd probably have it done too then if its only a local x

Purple Fish
08-07-10, 19:51
Yeh, I`ll be fine. Feeling much better today and more focused.

Thanks to all who posted!

Tanya :hugs:

Purple Fish
10-07-10, 09:30
Got a hospital appointment through today for the 6th August. Hopefully they`ll get it out soon!!

Tanya xx