View Full Version : chest pain and reflux

07-07-10, 23:43
Hi folks,

I havent been on this site for a while, I popped in the other night to look at posts about chest pain but couldnt look, had booked a doctors appointment for this morning and was worried incase it was a heart attack(!)...anyhow to cut a long story short doc thinks its reflux, inflamation and something to do with the gullet, got some tablets to take.

I was looking at what foods to avoid etc online when I came across a discussion from a couple of years ago and there was talk of a link between reflux and palps (cant remember what you call the jumpy heart)..I just wondered if anyone on here knew anything about this. Its apparently all to do with the vagus(?) nerve.

I have had a bad bout of this before but it was many years ago..and I have suffered from palps etc for a long long time.

Just would be interesting to know if anyone had heard of this before??

Shaz x

08-07-10, 01:36
Try this link. It has a lot of helpful information.

08-07-10, 10:19
thanks for the link, I have just had a ready, very interesting :-) x