View Full Version : depersonalisation/derealisation

08-07-10, 09:41
How do i get rid of this? It only started this morning but its annoying me already. i feel so odd when i sit in the garden as though the worlds too big and im in a bubble! i have to come indoors where its safe.

i have another thread and someone kindly informed me of depersonalisation/derealisation, and its definatly what it is but how do i get rid of it? they say if you ignore things like floaters in your vision your brain eventually stops noticing them, is it the same concept? will ignoring it work or will that make it worse? do i need to relax more? i dont know what to do!

i dont like it though, its really unnerving.

10-07-10, 08:52
It is a horrible feeling and ignoring it is the only way to get rid of it. I had it for quite some time and the more I obsessed over why I was feeling like that the longer it stayed. When I decided to just live with it, then it started to fade and I've not had it now for a long time. Try and do things to take your mind off it, very hard I know, but if you persevere it will fade.


10-07-10, 17:49
I think distraction is important. The more we try not to think about a certain thing, the more we defeat that very purpose.

10-07-10, 20:14
Is de-realisation related to zoning out?