View Full Version : breathing problems

08-07-10, 10:50
Hi all, For a while now i have been feling like i cant breath propper the only time its not there is when i sleep .i am constantley thinking about it as its worrying me now.I feellike i have something on my middle and whenn my stomach rises it feels kind of tight n like i have to push my stomach out .any advice pls

08-07-10, 11:03
Hi Lisa, I think its down to the weather, i suffer with hayfever and mild asthma and ive been feeling like this a few times over the last few weeks. You may want to go and see your doctor as he can give you an inhaler ( which is no big deal i have 2 ), hope this helps :-)

Malc x

08-07-10, 16:59
Hi Lisa

Do what Malc suggests, and also check your bras!!! I was wearing the same back size for years - conveniently overlooking the fact that I'm not the same sylph like creature that I used to be. I was wearing a back size too small. The tightness of the bra around my ribs (especially underwired bras) made breathing in uncomfortable, and my ribs were sore to the touch. Eating a meal expanded my abdomen, and made it worse. Breathing and eating are so much easier for me now!

Good luck. But as Malc said, there's a lot of hayfever and asthma out there, it's as well to get checked out... CATS2

09-07-10, 22:59
Breathing problems are a significant issue for many palliative care patients. These pages provide information and evidence regarding breathing problems for health professional.

10-07-10, 00:36
can u expain what you mean rock when i typed itin it was 4 termonal illness and scared me

10-07-10, 00:41
I think he is a spammer maybe lisa - ignore his advice