View Full Version : The doctors

08-07-10, 10:58
I went to the docs today to have a blood test as my GP just wanted to rule out a few things eg. thyroid. I glanced at the nurses screen and my details were up on there and noticed my GP had put in the notes something like 'makes little eye contact'. I felt quite shocked about this and also and a bit embarrassed to think the nurse would have read it. I know that I do find eye contact hard sometimes but I didn't realise it was so obvious to other people. I wish I hadn't seen the damn screen now as I was already on a downer about the new medication I'm on (am on sertraline and felt better for first 2 weeks but have now plateaud). Admittedly she might have wrote it the first time I came in to see her when I wasn't on any meds and was feeling very down and nearly started crying so I was looking away on purpose. I just wanted to get this off my chest as I can't talk to anyone at home about this, thanks.

08-07-10, 12:41
Makes little eye contact, seems edgy, fidgety, persistant visits, biting nails.....

I suppose these are all observations that our GPs will make about us anxiety sufferers.

Personally, 'I'm glad they do!!
They can see our anxiety when others rarely do and this backs up how we are feeling. Some people on here will complain that their GPS dont seem to understand or cant see any problem with their patients. Be grateful that your GP is so observent. You are one of the lucky ones :yesyes:

08-07-10, 12:46
Its not a criticism of you. Its just notes that your GP has made so that she can assess what she needs to do to help you out.
Im sure Ive got some real crazy notes in my file too!

08-07-10, 18:47
Thanks for the input, I feel a bit better now. It's just a bit of a shock as in all the years I've had my illness I've kept it to myself and noone's really commented on my behaviour. My GP does seem good, she really listens to me and genuinely seems to want to help.

08-07-10, 18:51
I think a lot of us strive to appear normal when were freaking out inside. In fact its only people who actually care about how we are that notice everything isnt ok.

08-07-10, 19:10
Hi, I wouldn't worry about this, I have difficulty making eye contact with strangers and like seeing professional people ie doctors too. It is a nervous lack of confidence thing and lots of people have probably got the same thing, its nothing to be too worried about.

08-07-10, 22:09
When I'm feeling anxious I find it really difficult to make eye contact, even with friends. I'd be glad they'd noticed too.