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View Full Version : Should we tell people we've been ill

08-07-10, 11:07

I would really appreciate people's opinions on this. I was very ill last year and have started to improve now, and am back to work etc but still struggle. My family are really against me ever talking to other people about being ill, especially my father who says I must NEVER tell anyone. Its really frightened me now, that there are people who know, and will I be judged?

What are other peoples view on this? Do you think we should discuss what's happened to us with people or do you think its best we keep it private? I really don't know anymore.... Its really starting to upset me.

Louise xx

08-07-10, 12:04
i find it strange why not tell people ,, it cant do any harm but in the end its up to you hun nobody else

08-07-10, 12:43
I tell everyone! Its not something to be ashamed of and occasionally you'll find somone else that struggles the same as you do.
I find it better to be honest about things like this so that people know if im suddenly acting a bit distant, or if i disapear its because of my anxiety and not because theyve done something wrong.
It is a personal decision though, so you need to decide whats best for you. Dont let anyone else stick their beak in and make the decision for you.

08-07-10, 14:10
The key to "Tell or Not Tell" (for me) is to see how you will feel in the different reaction scenarios. So if you are realy cool about other people's opinion then why not tell. If a bad reaction from some idiot will send you spiralling then no, don't tell. It is not THEIR reaction we need to worry about, it's OUR reaction to their reaction. I am super-cool about people knowing and in fact I use it as a Litmus Test. I tell people and judge THEM on their reactions! If I get a bad reaction then I have learnt that the person in question is not worth my time just that little bit faster! To be completely realistic about it though: most people couldn't give a pig's left ear about your problems Louise. they are too wrapped up in their own. At best yours will provide them with light relief!

08-07-10, 17:08
I would not have been able to cope without all my friends and like vixxy said u sometimes find other people are feeling the same and u dont feel so alone , my friends have been fab , i now tell everyone lol xx