View Full Version : Scared! Feel like I'm swaying & dizzy

Natalie x
08-07-10, 11:15
Hi. For the past couple of days, every now and then I have been getting a feeling as though I am swaying like when I'm sitting down and sort of feel a little dizzy. Not head spinning dizzy, but a little off balance. I wear glasses and put it down to not wearing them as often as maybe I should as I am at a computer all day in work. I worried a lot about brain tumors a few weeks ago after I had a headache for a few days and now I'm worrying again that it is this. Has anyone ever had this before? I just need some re-assurance that nothing is wrong. Thanks

Natalie x
08-07-10, 11:52

08-07-10, 11:59
i have it right now, feel like my head is filled with concrete, if i sit or stand in a position for too long, it feels like im on a boat and i have to move. then it sets off a panic attack, i just get on with something to occupy myself, phoned my friend for a chat, iv built a brick castle with my son and fed the baby... prepared tea for tonight, but its still in the back of my mind :(. i also drink plenty of cold water. helps for some reason x x

08-07-10, 12:02
yes i get it now and again sometimes when i turn over in bed ,but i say to myself stop and believe me it goes strange don't worry its all to do with Adrenalin rush

Natalie x
08-07-10, 12:11
Thanks for your replies. If you had a brain tumor would you know all about it? Sorry, I just need to put my mind at ease!

08-07-10, 12:26
Hi there

Dizziness seems to be a really common anxiety symptom, although when I used to get it years ago (before the internet!) I used to think I was the only person in the world who suffered with it.

If it's come on really suddenly though, if it's not anxiety the most common cause are inner/middle ear infections, which can upset your balance a lot. Have a chat with your doctor if you're really worried, and DON'T GOOGLE!

08-07-10, 12:35
Sorry, but I am the queen of dizziness! You cant steal my crown!! lol

Seriously though, yes!! Its bad, i have had it for many years and it takes different forms....off balance, light headedness, dizziness, spinning...... Its a living nightmare!!

I have been through the whole brain tumour saga!!!

I am sure my brain would be mush by now though, theres no way a brain could withstand a tumour for aslong as I'v had this.

Its highly likely that its just anxiety!!! x