View Full Version : Bad Flu lingering or a Blip?? help please.

17-02-06, 08:59
Hello old freinds,

havent posted here in quite a while now.....have been doing just fine and for a couple of months was perfect. back at the gym getting up early , no headaches, loads of energy....but last week i got the flu from hell and have felt rottennnnnnnnnnn...................stupidly i didnt rest as i was on a roll and thought ill just carry on. first couple of days were fine, the horrible flu symptoms which mimic anxiety so closely didnt bother me but as the days went on i got back into the bad habit of worrying about how i felt. ....arrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so mad with myself!!!

anyways.......i want to go back to the gym, want my energy leves back but wanted to know what your guys thought. do you think my feeling sooo tired and exhausted are from the wrroy or just the linkering affects of the flu?? should i just get back to the gym or might that make that worse if im still Ill..........

I know either way round this is just a blip and as claire weekes says they are part of recovery......but the tiredness is exhausting!!! lol

any words of advice from you kind folk would be greatlyyyyyyy appreciated.


17-02-06, 10:17

REST and do gentle things until the infection has passed. If you push yourself hard it will linger even longer. So do relaxation, distraction things and have a hot toddy or two..

By all mean sto go gym and do steam room and sauna to help clear out the infection.



17-02-06, 12:20
no exercise until fully recovered flu wise otherwise the exaustion will get worse. anyway wee breaks from the gym do not mean no exercise. walk to keep fitness levels up and mind from thinking the worst.

i would love to no your story and how you have come this far if it is not too painful.

either way as claire weekes says, accept and let more time pass until this mini blip / cold / flu subsides. doesnt matter what it is . once you no the road to recovery once you choose the same path again without being angry with yourself for you are an inspiration to us all. as is meg

17-02-06, 13:34
Just sloooow down, Andy. Frustrating I know, but it will pay off.

You'll be right as ninepence before you know it.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

17-02-06, 13:44
Hi Andy,

Sorry to hear you have the flu viruse, depending on what strain it is, it can take awhile to work its way out out of your body.

A few month ago I had the same thing and thought the same as you.
These viruses can mimic anxiety symptoms, I just tried to get on with things and go to work for distraction. Because it was NOT anxiety the symptoms did not go, then the worry becasue they were not going.
I felt like crap. I was scared of staying in becasue the symptoms were mimicing anxiety and with anxiety you are supposed to get up and go.
Instead of relaxing and giving my body time to get over the virus.

So I did what my body was telling me to do and rested told myself it was a virus and I needed to be kind to myself, it was ok for now not to go out. I found I was beating myself up with my thoughs that it may be anxiety istead of just telling myself its a virus and it will pass.

Be kind to yourself Andy, think back on how you would of handled this before all your anxiety started. Mrs anxiety would NOT have got a word in. You would have just told yourself you had the flu and it will pass and rested for awhile.

My thoughts on a virus right now are.

I KNOW WHAT IT IS and in a few days it will be gone and I will feel good again. These days if I have something like that, it may sound strange to some poeple but I may feel like crap but I'm happy at the same time becasue I know what it is and it will go of its own acord in time.

Remeber Andy, its the way we think of a situation that counts.
Your energy levels are low becasue of the virus, it will return soon.
You have come soooo far Andy and worked hard, be pround of yourself.

hope this help




17-02-06, 14:06
Hi Andy,

Sorry you've been having such a hard time. Try and be kind to yourself and your body and take things slowly, I know it's frustrating. Anxiety and flu type viruses can both leave you exhausted. I doubt you have had real flu, many people say they have had flu but if it was real flu you wouldn't even be able to get out of bed let alone carry on with things, there would be no decision to make about going out, you just wouldn't be able to. You may well have had a milder flu though or a similar virus as there is alot going about.
It really is important to let your body recover from a virus so don't push it too quickly especially with the exercise and when you do get back to the gym build up slowly.
Good luck,


17-02-06, 15:00
Hi Andy,

Nice to hear from you again - I agree with the others rest up until this flu thing has passed. There are some horrible bugs around at the moment and it's been running rife through my kids school.

Give your bod a chance to recuperate and like Ray says you will be fine before you know it.

Love piglet xxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-02-06, 18:22
Hi Andy

Lovely to hear from you again but sorry it is because you are not feeling too good.

Personally I would take it easy and not push yourself yet. There are some nasty flu's going round and you need time to recover from it first.

Be kind to yourself and you will soon be back on track again.

Sending you a (((((hug))))))


17-02-06, 18:40
hello fine folk,

firstly thank you everso much for you kind words and advice........truly wonderful people you are.

just wanted to say have felt sooooooo much better today and no worrying even though feeling a little tired.

jackie i posted my story sometime ago in success stories, sounds a bit ironic as i writing for help here!! lol.....maybe nic still has the link???

anyway jackie, in brief how did i get to feeling almost fullly better?? claire weekes book......acceptance, patience, time this support group and meg....not in that order i might add.

jill...you wrote exacly what i was doing, worried it was anxiety so must get on with things instead of doing what i should have...thank you for your words.

anyway...thanks again for your time in replying it is sooo much appreciated and welcomed.

nic....big hugs back to ya angel.


17-02-06, 19:04
Glad to hear you are feeling better :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

17-02-06, 19:09
Hi Andy

Be gentle with yourself and rest up until you're completely over this flu.

Hope you are feeling better soon.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

17-02-06, 19:17
Hi Andy

Great to hear you a feeling a little better,
a few more days and you'll be back on top.

You take care


17-02-06, 21:50
I hope you are feeling better soon. Tiredness is awful if you suffer from anxiety.

Well done on doing so well :)

Annie x

18-02-06, 19:41

Your post about recovery is here...

100% recovered?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3368)


19-02-06, 19:20
so glad you feel better. thanks nic, gonna read the post now. keep it up andy you are doing great