View Full Version : list of current symptoms - anyone else have these

08-07-10, 15:48
palpatations in head and body -(quite fast sometimes feels like i am shaking inside)

stiff jaw and toothache

pressure in head when bending over which is also sensitive to touch

pressure on right side of neck

stinging eyes when watching tv or read and feels like internally shaking-. also eyes are sore when move

anyone else have any of these any help will be great

08-07-10, 16:38

You really sound like you're having a rotten time!

I don't have your symptoms, but either one would make me miserable. My first stop would be the Doctor's surgery, to make sure I get antibiotics/painkillers if I need them. If the Doc gave me a clean bill of health, I'd see the Dentist next.

I get inflammation of a facial nerve from time to time, and this can track into the jaw, giving awful pain in the teeth... Why put up with pain?

Hope that you're feeling better soon.

08-07-10, 16:59
hi thanks for replying, yes its not very pleasent i seem to get an anxiety symptoms attack twice a year which lasts a few weeks