View Full Version : am i normal

08-07-10, 16:36
hi can any one tell me if they have the same as me,as ive had anxiety now for a couple of years andi feel im a freak as when i stand still and say talk to some one i get really anxiouse as think if i stand still ill go dizzy or some thing stupid and just want to know if any one else gets like this thk you

08-07-10, 17:14
Quite true. I too have the same fear in my mind while speaking to someone on the phone. I am totally freaked out listening to the phone ring as though something very bad is going to happen with me. I have been taking medicines from last 1 week and the physician says its a kind of anxiety issue

08-07-10, 17:16
yor not alone we all get these feelings be strong x

08-07-10, 19:27
That is a bit like agorophobia, when people are worried something will happen to them in public. Do not worry - if you are anxious, anything is possible.