View Full Version : how often

jaded jean
08-07-10, 16:54
Hi all,
My work collegue and good friend was prescribed citalopram yesterday. She was in and out seeing her doctor in 2 minutes . She has to ring back in 6 weeks to let him know how she is coping, I think her gave her short shift in the fact that he could have said come back sooner if any problems but nothing. How was your visit to the doctor when you were prescribed it?? I think she had a bad deal there.

08-07-10, 17:11
the doctor should have took longer thats what there paid for

jaded jean
08-07-10, 17:17
Precisely. I was so shocked at the idea that this poor girl had to sit in a layby while she had a panic attack then go to her doctor -expect to be reassured and then given the help or signposting to more help . but nothing else was offered.disgusting

08-07-10, 17:28
had she had these meds before if not she should have a full assessment Doctors should not give out tablets like sweets some have side affects ,which might not agree with her

jaded jean
08-07-10, 17:30
She was on chlorpromazine before.

08-07-10, 17:36
i hope they agree with her ,,that's the problem when you go to doctor with panic or anxiety ,they seem to shrug it off like we're making our feelings up. i am lucky i have a lady gp who is brill,poor girl she should seek a 2nd opinion

jaded jean
08-07-10, 17:50
I had full contact with my doctor you know . I rang him 3/4 times a week and saw him once a week too - it didnt bother him at all, my friend bless her has no internet so I printed out the citalopram survival guide for her. I said dont read the information slip inside or you will get put off it. I gave her my experience of it. but said IF she experiences any bad side effects she should go back but I applauded the drug as well as it certainly had dragged me out of the black hole of despair. I speak with her daily too to support her. and do you know it helps me too!!

08-07-10, 17:53
yes if you have done all this your a very good friend ,, cipalopram is very good ,,so lets hope it helps her too xxxx

jaded jean
08-07-10, 17:58
Yes I am keeping my fingers crossed as her toddler son is susceptible to fits as well so she has that worryand she is single. It is sad sometimes when you have someone around you all the time you take it for granted. but will post anyway to say how she is getting on.

08-07-10, 18:14
please do thank you jean xx

08-07-10, 18:42
Hello Jean
That is horrible that she should have been shrugged off so quickly. I saw 2 Dr's before I eventually saw the one who is now helping me, and he is brilliant. Nothing is too much trouble for him. When I told him that i saw another Dr when he was on holiday and that Dr was rude to me he was very angry and wrote it down and was going to have a word with him!! It is bad enough that we feel like this, let alone going to the Dr, explaining how bad you feel and then just getting the meds and 2 mins of their time, disgusting, and the poor girl has a child as well. It's a good job she has a lovely friend like you to help her through the tough few weeks when you first start Cit.
How are you doing Jean, I hope you are well and that you are enjoying being back at work? :-)
All the very best to you and your friend.
Jannie x x

jaded jean
08-07-10, 20:13
Thankyou Jannie that is very sweet of you.
I was so angry at what at happened and the comparative difference with doctors today. Thats why I copied the survival guide for her so she can understand what is happening and why.
I am doing ok I start on four days next week, it is going so quickly too. I think its heals you when you start to care for someone else in the same boat dont you?
all I am feeling at the moment is a little agitation as of all the talking and advising etc with her. I have had my amitryptiline so will calm down now lol. I hope you are getting on well too . no more P/A's on the train I hope. take care

08-07-10, 21:13
Yep Jean, I'm doing good thank you. Still have the odd moment or two but nothing compared to how I was thank gawd.
The survival guide was brilliant when I first came on here, i read every bit of it and it put it into perspective and I realised that I was not alone.
So glad you are doing so well back at work, the time does fly by when you are busy and you're right about helping someone else. I have been texting a young girl from here who is going through a bad time, poor thing.
I'm off out tomorrow night with my work mates to a Jamie Oliver restaurant with our Dinner Club, and I can do things like that now without getting myself into a panic. I'm not sad so much these days and I feel really happy again, which is brilliant. You too will get better and better all the time, work really helps and coming onto here because there is always someone to help you. I know what you mean about the agitation though, I too get that sometimes, but it seems to pass quite quickly and I don't let it worry me so much. I even went to Hard Rock Calling in Hyde Park the other week with thousands upon thousand of people to see Stevie Wonder and I was fine walking through all the crowds to find my niece who works for the Hard Rock was over from Amsterdam and working there. She also used to suffer with panic attacks so she was really proud of me which made me feel even better :-)
I hope your improvement continues Jean and that you carry on enjoying your work.
All the very best
Jannie x x

jaded jean
09-07-10, 06:41
you sound as if yu are almost 'there' which is wonderful. I am begining t take the lead in just a few things, I still have to pace myself as my mind races forward too quickly.but otherwise slowly and surely etc .
well done to you. hope your friend that you text turns the corner soon,

09-07-10, 09:03
Hi Jean

It definitely sounds as though your friend got short shrift from the doctor, so -

Is there another GP at the practice that she could see that might be a bit more sympathetic about it? If so, a chat with him/her might help. If she's unsure of the best person to see, a chat with the receptionist might help.

The last time I had to have anti-depressants, my GP gave me a questionnaire to fill in which gave me scores for anxiety and depression. I was also in the surgery with him a good while as he wanted to know about the symptoms, what I thought had set it off etc etc.

I was also offered some counselling sessions, as my health centre employs one (although she was very booked up and you had to wait for a few weeks).

He also directed me to a website called Living Life to the Full, which is an online CBT course (which I admit I didn't get into in the end, as the medication and counselling seemed to sort me out at the time).

If your friend can't find another GP at her practice, it's worth asking around other peoples' opinions locally, as it might be worth changing doctor, which is pretty easy to do - I think you just have to enrol at the new surgery and send your medical card off to the PCt (I think, but I'm not positive about the whole process).

Hope this helps!

jaded jean
09-07-10, 13:21
thanks for your reply I will pass all info onto my friend.My process was similar to yours. although I subscribed to the No Panic site and got telephone support as the wellbeing team didnt 'do it' for me.