View Full Version : Abnormal or normal tongue?

08-07-10, 17:35
This may seem like a silly question but is having small cracks in your tongue normal? I don't know how long they've been there, I just noticed them now when i studied my tongue and freaked out. There are a few of them in the middle of my tongue and they're not deep. I already googled it and found out that if you have cracks in your tongue, you might have a fissured tongue. But I looked up images online and it looks far worse than mine does.

08-07-10, 19:26
Why were you studying your tongue?! Alot of people worry about things to do with their mouths because mouths are so wierd. My sis went to the doctors a few years back because she noticed some lumps on the back of her tongue. Turns out everyone has these, they just notice them sometimes.

All tongues are a bit cracked because they move around and curl up. Mines all yellow. And its only the surface that goes abit funny sometimes. Do not worry and try not to study your mouth. Mouths are gross...

08-07-10, 20:43
I got worried about my tongue couple months ago when i noticed a slight fluting along the left side edge !.. When I got it checked out it was due to jaw clenching and the tongue pressing against teeth leaving an imprint..

08-07-10, 20:48
But are slight cracks normal?

09-07-10, 00:17
I think we all have all sorts of marks on our tongues just because of how they're mad - they're not smooth and even, they're covered with all sorts of bits and pieces (like tastebuds!). Also, depending on the type of food we eat, or whether we smoke, that can also affect the surface of the tongue as sometimes the natural coating on it will get thicker or discoloured.

Rachel W
10-07-10, 01:43
Yes, cracks are normal. As you mentioned, fissures are a lot worse...