View Full Version : grrr!

08-07-10, 18:08
having a bad day today, cant seem to relax even when i try i feel so anxious that i feel its going to set of an attack. wish i could lay back and just drift off cos im so tired

08-07-10, 19:08
hey ditto, ive had a couple of good days and today ive woke up really awfull like back to the start , im tired of facing another thought about talking yourself out of it ,just want to be happy and normal again. it is hard and for some unknow reason i cant seem to get me head around it, its still early days im hoping it gets better and better with weeks on the meds its only my 6th week. so cheer up your not alone it will pass we just got to be patient:hugs:


08-07-10, 21:19
aww im sorry your not feeling good too. yeh your right it seems like its never going to end! i just feel like im in a constant state of anxiety and that its never going to go away. i went off my tablets for 3 months with the ok from my doctor, and ive had to go back on them because my agrophobia and panic attacks were coming back, theyre just taking time to kick in but i wish they would hurry the hell up! lol x