View Full Version : Hello - anxiety causing sleep problems

08-07-10, 19:20
Hi everyone,

I just joined this site as I have been looking for support online and advice on anxiety problems.

I am 22 and have suffered from anxiety for about 9 years or so. I have panic attacks in many social situations, especially when I feel I cannot leave whenever I want. The main problems I tend to have are loss of apetite, nausea, heart beating like crazy and just recently sudden feelings of doom for no reason.

Just recently I have been having real problems sleeping with the anxiety and I find myself starting to feel anxious when I go into my bedroom now because I'm scared I won't sleep. Any advice on ways to improve sleep would be great. I have also just been prescribed Citalopram but am scared of taking it, will this help?


08-07-10, 19:23
Hi Luke87

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Cazza 7
08-07-10, 21:56
Hi Luke

Welcome...Caroline here i also suffer from panic& anxiety attacks i have been put on the same meds as you..10mg i started in May this year,
I have very few panic attacks ..1 day at my worse i had 20 , then doc sent me for cbt..then i had to have meds,
I used to take them at night but i was awake all night, now i take them at 11am every day, its inportant u take them the same time every day

I was terrified to take them i done it really quick out of the packet water & swallowed it down, now i take it like its a nurofen,
The only side effect i had the first week neusea big time & weight loss apart from that all is well

Go and take it & feel better


Vanilla Sky
08-07-10, 22:28
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

09-07-10, 09:13
Hi Caroline,

Thanks for your reply! I've had it many times on and off and this is the first time I've been to the doctors about it. I had severe panic attacks on the day of my last exam but managed to get through it even though the whole 3 hour exam was one long panic attack.

Then going from studying all the time to being at home with nothing to do now the course has finished just made the attacks continue. Currently all I do is worry about the high pressure job I am due to start soon.

I've had the meds for 2-3 weeks now but have been too scared to take them. I think I will give them a go, I'm really hoping they can help me sleep. I had 4-5 nights last week with only 1-2 hours sleep then I seemed to sleep ok for a couple of days and now I havent slept more than I guess 3 hours in the last 3 nights.

Thanks for sharing your experience.