View Full Version : Bp related or headache?

08-07-10, 19:48
Whenever I am sitting down then stand up (usually if i do it quickly) I suddenly have like a pulsing pain at the back of my head on the right side/sometimes near the crown. It lasts a few seconds then fades. My husband says this is just BP related coz im standing up, but why would it hurt??? Ok it's not very painful, but a slight pulsing niggle?

I am in a tizz at the mo worrying about headaches, it doesn't hurt any other time. I am a tiny bit sinusey at the moment due to this hot muggy weather, but nothing major.

Going home
08-07-10, 19:58
Your blood pressure is more likely to be a bit low rather then high when you go from sitting or lying down to standing until your heart catches up a bit, and thats normal but wouldnt really give you any pain, but I would say its more likely to be your sinuses. If they are a little blocked then this would cause the pain and pulsing sensation when you stand up or bend down etc.

Anna xxx

08-07-10, 20:19