View Full Version : one man and his IBS :-(

irritable bilge
08-07-10, 20:59
Hi folks,

Just found this forum, some good reads and info here. I'm 46, had bad IBS since I was 25, in a nutshell, it's wrecked my life as I see it, relationships, work, etc. One royal pain in the a**se.

As of the last few years, the IBS has been so bad, it's left me with pretty bad anxiety about being in public places or work and being caught short, wind, stomach cramps, etc. The knock on effect has been pretty bad depression to cap it off :-( lucky white heather!

I often say that never mind winning the lottery, I'd rather have a new digestive tract and back end.

Oh well, I think I've got something in common with some members in here, so no doubt have some chit chat.

cheers the now

08-07-10, 21:00
Hi irritable bilge

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
08-07-10, 22:29
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

23-07-10, 18:11
Hi Al,
I have just joined the site as a therapist I saw today recommended it. I too have IBS I have had it for 6 years, I was taking 7 immodium every day but I saw a specialist and he told me I have taken too many for too long and had to stop. There was then a massive journey of anxiety, depression, bad medication etc and today I have got into a right pickle with it all.
I have IBS-D every day so to cope I dont eat, only 1 small meal a day. I have terrible anxiety so I only go out to try and get to work and this hs obviously led to depression. I am on no medication, the Dr put me on venlfaxine and it made me suicidal so I m now trying to fight everything with diet and relaxation and CBT. Its going to be a long journey and maybe Ill find some support on here.
I hope to chat more to some understanding people.
Thank you x:)

23-07-10, 19:06

Having suffered with this problem for 21 years I thought I would share the tips I have been given.

Eat regular meals.
Do not skip meals or eat late.
Take your time when eating.
Sit down to eat and chew your food well,
Take regular exercise.
Make time to relax.

Keep a food diary to see if any food makes it worse.
Give your bowels time to adjust to any changes you make.

Symptoms of wind and bloating limit fruit to 3 portions a day make the rest up with vegetables. Try and reduce the intake of resistant starches(this helped me the most). Golden linseed and oats also help with wind and bloating.(I take these too)

Diarrhoea replace lost fluids try and avoid caffeinated drinks, limit fizzy drinks, limit insoluble fibre (except golden linseeds). Avoid pips and pith from fruit and veg. Limit fresh fruit to 3 portions a day make up allowance with veg. Limit high resistant starches. Avoid foods high in fats.

Constipation dietary fibre may help with constipation but tends to generate gas, stimulate contractions and make pain, bloating, flatulence and diarrhoea worse. So dietary fibre should be adjusted to effects. If you increase dietary fibre do it gradually. Oats and golden linseed are a good source of soluble fibre. Ensure a good fluid intake.

My problem is I swing between constipation and diarrhoea so I use golden linseed and Normacol fibre (buy at the chemist) to help with this problem. I have also reduced my intake of resistant startches.

Resistant startches are startches in foods that are not completely digested by the body. They enter the bowel where they ferment and produce gas. The following foods contain resistant startches, reheated potato products eg. oven chips, dried pasta, processed foods eg. potato and pasta salad, ready made meals containing potato and pasta and part baked and reheated breads eg.pizza (base) fresh is fine.

I hope this helps, please note I have no medical qualifications.

25-07-10, 12:44
hiiiiiii Al - i have crohns disease since i was 24....i am now 43!....oops a lady should not give her age away.
i know that crohns and ibs are oh so similar....i had major surgery four years ago.....and the fear of going out and not being able to find adequate toilets etc is so so so so frightning and the fear that i will end up in hospital has come to the fore again!
it is i must admit so wonderful to meet fellow sufferers sometimes one feels so alone......but we are not are we xxxxx its the isolation that causes me my panic attacks/anxiety fears and they have been pretty bad this last month which does not help with the illness.
hope we all have a good sunday xxxx do keep in touch xxxx

25-07-10, 19:33

I find the passing of wind a very big problem as it is so loud and long, which makes me anxious when out.

26-07-10, 10:34
Hello Bilge, welcome to NMP!

Just to say that I used to have IBS in my twenties and early thirties, but it has gone away completely in recent years, so it is possible to recover. Two things that I think made it worse for me, and perhaps should be avoided are:

1) Excessive alcohol consumption
2) Hot drinks such as tea and coffee first thing in the morning - these ALWAYS set me off lol.

Best wishes,

Paul (Froggy)