View Full Version : going back to where i had my worst attack!can anyone help?

09-07-10, 00:13
my worst attack was about 7 weeks ago when i was visiting my boyfriend in a city. i thought i was actually loosing my mind... could talk for 3hrs in case things got worse,had to force myself to sleep.!!honestly was so terrifying.the attack didnt stop for about 2 days.i was constantly afraid!
This was before i started therapy and started learning to deal with it.i am returning to the same place on monday to see my bf!i have to do a 3 and half hour train journey im feeling ok at mo but im doing the 'what ifs' . i just want to enjoy my 2yr anniversary!! but im afraid once im there my partner wont understand or that his friends will be dong drugs..these situations could put back all my progress.! especially as drugs is the main factor in my downfall. am i worrying for no reason? (sorry for the essay)

Veronica H
09-07-10, 20:34
How did you get on Holly? Facing the fear is the way forward.:flowers:


11-07-10, 15:23
thank you for your comment. :) i leave tomorrow. if im honest something has suddenly changed since thursday. since been on here or maybe it was getting my hair done which i was afraid of but got through. something is different and ive been facing so much and havnt really thought about anxiety for days. i feel good about going tomorrow. still not looking forward to the long train ride but if ive faced some difficult things past few days then im sure there is nothing to bad i csnt grt through it. this is my thinking today. we shall see if it chsnges tomorrw. hopefully it wont though as for the first time in about a year i feel in control of my feeling and am happy. im gonna carry this thought with me tomorrow!! :) been on here has helped me so so so much. !! xx