View Full Version : Hi everyone!

09-07-10, 09:24
Hi everyone,

I've been suffering from panic attacks for around 7 years, and was recently put on escitalopram (an SSRI) as they were getting unmanageable. I have started to wean myself off them, as I want to battle this problem face on, and not have medications mask it. So, this is why I've joined this site.

I'd love to hear people's stories of how they cope with panic attacks and anxiety, and if any of you have been on medication for them and have decided to come off it, like me.

Thanks guys. Here's to the beginning of controlling my panic!

09-07-10, 09:29
Hi annzibabe

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
09-07-10, 09:54
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

09-07-10, 16:43
I take xanax for my panic/anxiety disorder and it really works for me well. The only meds I've taken myself off of were anti-depressants. I truly think my former doctor had me on them way too long so like you, I gradually tapered off them. Depression is not the main issue for me anyway. As far as coping, it's the attitute that works best. Mine is to not care if I embarass myself in public with a panic attack. When I believe it, it works. Wish you well here.

Veronica H
09-07-10, 20:25
:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly place with great information and support.


10-07-10, 01:10
Hi, I'm Becky and also new to site. I have stopped my anti depressants recently for anxiety/agoraphobia and have taken slightly a turn for the worse in the last couple of weeks. Think it is just because it was a placebo effect on confidence rather than a chemical as was on such a small dose through choice as did not want to mask problems. I bought a course from internet a year ago and teaches just to be brave and go through it and out the other side to re educate your mind that nothing bad happens in the end - easier said that done I know but hopefully I will be brave enough one day to face life in full. Am proud of what I have achieved so far though from not going out to now being able to go locally and do what I want but not in traffic hours and need my car close by as a safety blanket. Forget a social life but general life is much better. Time goes very slowly on your own but this site seems to be very helpful so good luck to us all and just keep trying a little harder each day.