View Full Version : Some advice regarding test's me and other half had.

09-07-10, 10:16
Me and my partner of 3 years have been trying for a child for about a year.We were referred to the hospital about two month ago where swabs were taking from my other half and i had also had sperm tests.
At the time they also tested my other half for chlamydia and took bloods.Now my other half is usual relaxed self about all this but my anxiety is kicking in big time.Over past few days my hyperventilating has been really bad.
We are due back at hospital in 2 weeks time to meet fertility specialist which is a long time if you are a worrier like me.I was wondering if anything serious like chlamydia had shown in up in swabs/bloods would the hospital have contacted us by now?
Thanks for any help forthcoming.

09-07-10, 10:38
Yes they would have gotten in contact and started her on antibiotics for it.

09-07-10, 10:56
This is what she also thought but the worrier in me always tells me otherwise.

09-07-10, 12:41
they wouldnt have left her for a few weeks with an infection that can make you infertile. The longer you leave it the harder it will be to treat, so its in their interests to get her under treatment as soon as they know its there.
Youve also got the other side, if they dont tell her she could be out infecting a lot of people. so again its in their interests to get it sorted asap!
Please dont worry about it :)

09-07-10, 13:02
Thanks again Vixxy i do feel little better now so hopefully all will be ok.

09-07-10, 15:26
Yeah they definitely would have contacted her by now. Try not to worry, I'm sure everything is fine.