View Full Version : Constant Headrushes

09-07-10, 10:42
For the past few days I have constant headrushes every few seconds, like rushes of blood to the head. So worried :weep:

Has anyone had this symptom? Is it related to muscle/neck strain or something worse?

Very worried.


09-07-10, 11:00
Ive been suffering the same thing for a few weeks...mine is worse when i stand but it can happen at any time....been to the doctors and had ecg done...blood work and blood pressure checked all came back fine apart from the ecg showed i had sinus tacycardia which doctor said was due to anxiety.....he suggested that it could be postural hypotension but i dont see how as i get it when im sat down as well.....like you im worrying more and more about this as i actually feel that my gp isnt taking me seriously and he doesnt seen to be that concerned about it.... i dont know what to do next......

09-07-10, 11:18
I understand that feeling clairabella.

Do you think it's related to neck strain?

09-07-10, 11:34
I get this too. Mainly when i think about it which seems uncanny! I think it's low blood pressure and also has something to do with adrenaline rush. I'm not on any medication, are you?

09-07-10, 11:41
I’m also not on any medication. It worries me, it feels like it’s connected to my breathing even though my breathing is regular and under control.
When I breathe in I feel the headrush and it’s so alarming…I also don’t want to go near the doctor with it

09-07-10, 11:46
I dont think neck strain could cause head rushes.....im on beta blockers so it looks like this could be the cause of mine....its still worrying though as i dont want to stop taking them as it controls my palps and rapid heart rate.Maybe you should have a word with your doctor and see what he suggests???

09-07-10, 12:06
Pinched nerve perhaps? I'd like to think it's anything other than someting serious.

09-07-10, 12:15
Anyone been checked for 'Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome'?

09-07-10, 12:19
What is that? Anything 'Wrong' in the heart area would definately come up on an ecg or holter monitor. So if you have done either of these you would know if it was!

09-07-10, 12:27
Sometimes it causes head rushes. Something to do with the nervous system.

09-07-10, 21:08
me too I even get headrush's while sitting down which makes no sense at all.
I find cold water on your face or back of your neck seems to help.

09-07-10, 21:25
Do you mean these headrushes are like a creeping,tingling warm rush over your head ?

If so. I had those 10 years ago with severe neck and muscle tension. Have them now sometimes when I am tense.

12-07-10, 07:55
How old are you?

13-07-10, 11:57
The headrush feels like a rush of blood to the head and then the blood pulses in the head for a while. It's awful. I just can't work my way out of this.

14-07-10, 07:02
One of the things you can get on the menopause is head rushes.

14-07-10, 16:59
I'm not at that age yet. It's awful today, I had a check up with the GP today he gave me an ECG which he said was normal. My head feels like it's full of pressure and these constant headrushes are terrifying.

Does anyone else get these?

25-07-10, 10:44
How have you got on with this?

03-08-10, 11:30
still no change. headrushes, pressure in ears, full feeling in head, scalp throbbing and pulsing. perhaps its my blood pressure?