View Full Version : Exhaustion after PA

09-07-10, 11:08
Hi, I'm having a bad time at the moment and my panic attacks have started again. They are more intense than I have ever experienced before, I try to sit them out and breathe into a paper bag. What really gets me also is the terrible tiredness and brain fog after, I just feel like my legs won't carry me and I feel like Jelly. Just wondered if any one has has similar,
Thanks for reading
Dot x

09-07-10, 12:18
When you get hit by all that adrenalin from a panic attack, it is common to feel that way afterwards. Your body is very tired.

09-07-10, 12:34
Yup I used to have to go to bed for a few hours after a bad one. I would also get really bloody cold, so would be wrapped up in bed watching a movie until I felt alive again.
Dont worry about it, just do what your body needs you to do.

09-07-10, 21:48
You're not alone, i get really tired too after terrible panic, it really knocks me for six and drains me.
I do what Vixxy does, just go to bed with a dvd and rest, you'll feel better after you've had a nice long rest and relaxation.
Get yourself to bed with a good dvd/book ect and a cuppa

take care xxx

09-07-10, 21:57
Hi, yeah i get the tiredness after every attack.. its so hard to function properly again after one because you do feel so lifeless, weak and drained... i get alot of mine at work... so carrying on with paper work or planning or running the parent and childrens groups we run can be a real struggle! I tend to come home after a day at work panicking and get in bed, but i can still be in pain the next day if iv had a day of on going panic attacks the day before, because my body gets so tense so my muscles hurt the next day as if iv ran a marathon! x

10-07-10, 03:57
Thanks for all the replies, they are so tough on your body arnt they

10-07-10, 23:00
hang in there! they are so draining, we know. you have to get some rest though. plus that helped me ward off the next one - i was so upset about being tired, I'd fall right back into another one.