View Full Version : Home Alone This Weekend

09-07-10, 13:27
Im going to be home alone this weekend and already the anxieous is settling in,

09-07-10, 18:08
You'll be fine, I've went through this before and although I was on edge all weekend, I felt proper happy with myself when it was all over. Just incase though is there anyone that can stay with you, even for a night? Or just someone you can call on if it gets too much? It might help you if you know that if things get too much then you have someone there for you.

09-07-10, 20:50
you can use chat or PM me. so you won't truly be alone.
do you have family, friends or neighbours that you could call on if your anxiety got really bad?

10-07-10, 23:01
make sure you keep a phone nearby. if you have a cell, keep it in your pocket. that way you don't have to worry about being able to get help if you need it.

12-07-10, 09:40
I know how it feels. I wonder how I will cope this summer. My wife is usually home with me. Im facing a week on my own.

12-07-10, 11:24
My parents went away for 3 days. I was nervous a first, but after a few hours I enjoyed the freedom and independence. I got anxious when they got back! Isn't that stange.