View Full Version : Becoming too attached to people

09-07-10, 20:34
Does anyone else have to deal with this? I'm not sure if it's just an attachment or if it's a crush or something. The, um, awkward part is that I've become attached to another female - and even more awkward is that she's in a professional role and can't even be my friend or anything; but I can't stop thinking about her and relaying conversations with her in my head. It's getting to the point that I'll make any excuse to talk about her or be with her and it's driving me mad.. This has happened since I was tiny with a number of different teachers, etc but always females - I don't want to analyse too much but I think it's got something to do with my upbringing and my parents divorcing. This woman, though, she's told me in a matter of words how much she cares about me and how proud she is of me and lots of other things. I can't help but wish she could be there for the rest of my life yet I know she can't be. I'm really worried. I can't say anything to her as it could end up causing problems for her job.. When I go back to uni in September I wont see her again til next summer and I'm already worried about that. Has anyone got any advice, what should I do?

09-07-10, 20:56
It could be a girl crush, the kind of crush a straight girl gets.
it's basically having admiration for another female and you can get a little bit obsessive about it.
I think your just trying to fill a hole. like this women cares about you, is nice to you and tells you shes proud of you.
maybe you just didn't get that growing up?
she makes you feel good and it is very easy to get addicted to that feeling.
and thinking about her might make you feel good too.