View Full Version : 40mg & feeling weird?

09-07-10, 20:54
Took the plunge & saw the doc who said I was severely depressed & upped my dose to 40mg - a big step backwards after a year of progress! Offered some councilling but don't think thats for me really so gonna try this first.

Got a headache & feel a bit spaced out after the first dose about 3 hours ago.......off to bed I think - fed up big time!

Hope it helps the sleeplessness!

09-07-10, 21:23
Hi Stressed
Sorry to hear you're feeling so down, feeling like you're taking a step backwards after a year of progress must be very disappointing for you. But you've obviously got passed this point before & will do again. I increased my dose of Cit to 40mg in October & had an increase in side effects for a few days.
Have you had counselling before, I have found it so beneficial in helping me to accept my moods & understand them.

Two weeks ago my psych suggested I try amitriptyline to help with my sleep & now sleep for about 6hrs without waking. After 6yrs of insomnia I can thoroughly recommend it!

Take care of yourself

10-07-10, 08:55
Ta 4 the nice reply.

Sleep was as normal as night - rubbish!

Still feel a bit fuzzy this morning but gonna force myself to go out and do some chores in a while even though I feel like going back to bed.

Since late last year I have been quite good with only the odd blip here and there but the last couple months I can feel myself slipping down the same old familiar road again. Glad I had the courage to go to the docs (now I've done it anyway) & hopefully the increased meds will help.

The frightening thing is I felt like hurting myself on one occasion this week which I have never experienced before and is VERY scary.

As for the counselling - no, I've never had it myself just that initial step to overcome in going & I guess I'd be ok.

Thanks for your kind words & take care. :)

10-07-10, 22:42
Hi stressed,

I didn't like the idea of counselling but now I'm really into it. It's not necessarily what you might expect.

Sometimes during a session I think yes - but how?? This all sounds great in theory... but how do I do that (whatever it is we've identified). I sometimes find myself feeling a little impatient, but wait...

Even just bringing it into your awareness is something - and sometimes, a few days later something can click into place, or you remember something that was said and can chew it over some more.

Also, the truth resonates... so when something is identified about your feelings and responses to certain situations and you really identify with what is being said then the more it helps you in a way.

It's not all tears and tissues, honestly. It can even be fun, especially when you start building a rapport with your counsellor.

I shall be sorry when my 6 sessions are over.

All the best to you - and I hope upping the dose makes a difference. I hate feeling as if I'm going backwards, but sometimes you have to go backwards a little to go forwards in a new and slightly different direction.

I think of it like a car journey. Great if you sail smoothly from A to B but very often we have to stop and check the map or ask for directions. And sometimes we need to do a U turn to get back on track.

However - as long as you stick with it and keep going who cares how long it takes or how many stops you make? I guess we each go at our own pace.

All the best and hope you feel better soon,

Yvonne :flowers:

11-07-10, 08:21
Thanks Yvonne - its really nice to talk to someone who has been there beforehand - sometimes I think I'm going mad!

Fingers crossed I'll be ok.

Oh, almost forgot, how are you? Hope you are feeling well & on the road to some sort of normality! :)


11-07-10, 21:31
Hi Andy, oh yes!

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. :)