View Full Version : Hi--I am new here--looking for support and to give some

Carolyn C
09-07-10, 21:10
For the past few months I have suffered from anxiety and had one panic attacks. Some days I feel great and other days the anxiety gets the best of me. I hope talking with other people who can relate will be helpful to all of us. I look forward to getting to know other people who will not judge and understand.
Thank you,

09-07-10, 21:11
Hi Carolyn C

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-07-10, 21:11
Welcome to the site. You'll definately get some support here. :hugs:

Carolyn C
09-07-10, 21:14
Thanks Rambler....just joining this site I feel less anxious ...it is very funny how the mind works...

09-07-10, 22:26
Welcome Carolyn from another new member, myself. No worries about support here, as I've come to find in so little time.

Carolyn C
10-07-10, 01:31
Hi Musicman,
Thanks for the encouraging words. Please feel free to write to me about any feelings. I have had a rough day today, but tonight I am feeling much better. Hope you are too!