View Full Version : trapped nerve, or something more?

09-07-10, 21:18
HI guys,

I am freaking out today about a weird sensation in my foot. It is like a tingling nerve that runs down my left foot. I can literally feel numbness and tingling along the length of the nerve. When I touch the bottom of my foot the numbness and tingling in my two middle toes gets worse. It also gets worse when I bend my toes upwards. It is definitely a nerve thing, I am so so worried that it is something neurological. It literally came out of the blue. At first I thought I had a bit of paper or something stuck to the end of my toes as that's what it feels like, but it is the nerve in my foot. I am freaked out beyond belief. I keep thinking about worst case scenarios. I have been distracted all day trying to look after my daughter because I keep looking at her and thinking about what happens if I am not around to look after her as she grows up and it breaks my heart. I don't know why this has suddenly come from nowhere, but I know it is a nerve thing rather than just an anxiety thing as it is very specific to this one nerve in my foot. Thanks for reading. I can't talk to anyone else about this as people are sick of hearing my health worries and nobody takes me seriously any more.

heather xx
09-07-10, 23:03
Didnt want to read and run but i do think it could be a trapped nerve. i had a traped nerve in my thumb and it affected my whole arm and neck it even took me to a&e due to my anxitey and the numbness and told it was that. If its still worrying you monday go and see your gp for some reasurance xx