View Full Version : Does anyone ever get a wave of Life is so weird?

09-07-10, 22:44
I get them sometimes like i get a wave of oh we are just human etc then i think have i ever been happy etc. obviously i have then comes fear etc.I was wondering if anyone else suffered with this with gad feeling like the worlds crazy and dream like!?

09-07-10, 22:56
It sounds like depersonalisation/derealization

10-07-10, 20:28
yeah it sounds a little like that katie...just try and relax and you should come out of it...i've had it when i've been sitting in rooms and my GAD is kinda so high u feel like everything is real around u, it's a weird one alright...i just try and think that my body is trying to protect me...so thanks body!!

18-12-10, 10:56
I've had this alot recently...everything seems strange and I also feel depressed so that makes it worse so you question your existence and stuff.

I can be out and just feel disorientated or disconnected from things due to how I feel..rather than take in the sights and the sounds all I feel is bubbled up making life seem really weird. Normal stuff feels weird...

Strange symptom. :blush:

18-12-10, 15:59
Yeah, I get this all the time. Do you sort of look back on the day and feel you dreamed it as well?

Don't worry. It's stress. Derealisation, it's called. Depersonalisation is the one where you feel like you're not yourself/not real/disconnected from your own body.

Have a bath and a nice lie down :)

18-12-10, 16:24
Yeah I get this quite often.

Harasgenster is right, just try as best as possible to relax

18-12-10, 22:14
hey, i get this a lot. and it's weird alright. sometimes i just get the "why am i here? what's the deal with humanity?" best advice i can give is to let the thought float out of ur head, in the same way it floated in. ackowledge these thoughts as weird and don't focus on it. try to distract yourself with something else :) it's very common though, so not to worry, ur ok. xxx

Captain Caveman
18-12-10, 23:37
Howdy. Existentialism thoughts are normal and natural. It's when the response to such thoughts become exaggerated that such behaviour needs treating.


19-12-10, 00:51
Howdy. Existentialism thoughts are normal and natural. It's when the response to such thoughts become exaggerated that such behaviour needs treating.


True, although there's a difference between existential thoughts and derealisation. The normal phenomena is when you suddenly think "Wow! I'm human! On planet earth! Which exists! This is all kind of miraculous when you think about it!" It's the sudden and weird realisation that you exist that everybody gets (as we don't normally consciously think about ourselves existing).

Derealisation is the opposite. That's when it feels like things DON'T exist (or that you are dreaming). So existential anxiety is when you realise you are real and everything around you exists and there can come some anxiety about your insignificance in the world/responsibilities/making the best use of your life etc.

Derealisation is when you feel totally disconnected.

Best to decide which one you feel. The first one is totally normal and absolutely everybody gets it anxiety or no anxiety. The second is caused by stress. Again, nothing to worry about, but generally a sign you should check you haven't put yourself under too much pressure etc.

20-12-10, 04:37
There is such a thing as existential panic. The above two posters hit on it pretty well already though.