View Full Version : Do I need a gap between stopping St John's Wort to start Citalopram?

10-07-10, 10:48
Hi, I've just joined this forum as my doctor prescribed me Citalopram yesterday. My story is that I've basically burned-out through overwork, and was finding myself very low indeed. I tried St John's Wort for six weeks and it initially lifted me after just a week, however this past week I've been slipping down quite dramatically - getting tearful in the office, very embarrassing! Anyway, I'm now signed off for two weeks to gather myself a bit.

After my doctors appointment she called me back to say "you must stop taking the St Johns Wort", however I'm not sure if i need to leave a gap? I saw a note on www.citalopram.co.uk which said not to take citalopram if I've had St Johns Wort in the past two weeks! Is this true? I took my first Citalopram last night (24 hours after last St Johns Wort) and am ok today - I had a few palpitations a few hours after but thats not so unusual at the moment. Was a bit breathless too, but was smoking too much, so probably that.

Just want to check whether I need to wait two weeks before i start citalopram?

Thank you!

10-07-10, 13:32
you need a 2 week break. Tell your chemist and they will advise


10-07-10, 14:18
Blimey! I cant believe my doctor didn't advise me of this! Ok, thanks, I'll wait before starting then.
Thank you.