View Full Version : Blood! Completely Freaking Out

10-07-10, 18:26
I have been feeling run down for a few weeks and my lymph nodes have been raised for a while. My doctor put it down to a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics which I finished last Friday.

On Wednesday I woke up with a stomach bug and I have had really bad diarrhea since. I called my GP yesterday and he asked for a sample to be dropped in on Monday and told me to drink lots of water. Today the diarrhea is as bad up to 10 times in a day and at lunchtime I passed a great deal of blood (sorry to be graphic!) it was jelly like but definitely bright red blood. I freaked out and called NHS Direct who got a Doctor to call me.

I have spoken with a thoroughly fed up sounding doctor he said the blood isn't that worrying as it could just mean a really nasty infection or a really irritated colon and that I should keep drinking water and call back if I got any worse!

I am so worried as every time I eat something very small (soup) I have to go to the toilet again and its blood, its happened 5 times. I feel pretty awful, I have lost half a stone since Wednesday and my glands are massive.

Please help if anyone has gone through this as I feel so miserable.

Thank you x

margaret jones
10-07-10, 18:34
Hi poor you it does sound as if you have a really bad stomach bug this can cause blood /mucos when you go to toilet please keep drinking as this will help to keep you hydrated .
If things dont settle soon i would ring back and ask to be seen by a Dr

Hoping things settle soon Maggie

10-07-10, 18:39
Thanks Maggie, I have had stomach bugs before but never blood so completely freaked out. I am really scared when I go to the toilet now, as I don't want to see more blood. The last lot was like jelly with blood streaked in it.

margaret jones
10-07-10, 19:36
Hi the jelly thing is a real clue to a bad stomach bug are you still drinking lots of water ?? Maybe you will need some treatment from GP if it does not settle ,
The blood will not harm you it just means it is a nasty bug I no it seems awful , but i would try and see a Dr or ring NHS DIRECT for advice


11-07-10, 13:32
Thanks Maggie, I am going to see my GP first thing in the morning I think. I feel a little better today but still losing blood. I did call NHS Direct and they got a doctor to talk to me who wasn't particularly nice and huffed and puffed and said blood isn't something to worry about (!!) and to see my doctor on Monday if I don't feel any better! He was very matter of fact and had a terrible bedside manner!

Thanks for your messages though Maggie.

margaret jones
11-07-10, 14:39
Hope you are feeling a little better today hun
let us no how you get on at the DR tomorrow ?
Some of these dr need a lesson in dealing with patients i realise they have a difficult job but they chose the job .


11-07-10, 15:10
Thanks Maggie. I will let you know how I get on tomorrow. Feel a bit better and no so much diarrhea but glands up everywhere, neck, under arms, back of knees, so freaking out about that now!
