View Full Version : Heart and body tremors?

10-07-10, 22:01
Anybody had this symptom I've had in the past few days:

Fast heartbeat, jumping, skipping heartbeat, panic.
Body tremors, jittery, shaky, wobbly, off balance.
Tight chest.
Feel like I'm on a ship moving around even when sitting down.

It's worse when I think anxiety. :shrug:

11-07-10, 08:43
Yes i have had these issues for the past week! More so the jumpy, skipping heartbeat with an uncomfortable feeling in my throat. As soon as i think that what if it doesn't stop and my heart can't cope it gets worse and i feel impending doom! Last night i had to pace around the house and pray to god to make it go away. It was the first time i have had to do this in nearly a year! I felt so ashamed to think that i thought i was cured! :lac: I just keep telling myself when i feel these sensations that it is all in my mind, it is coming from my thinking and i say this over and over which eventually calms it down.
Some days are so hard because you lose energy and enthusiasum in thinking there is hope.
If we can all continue to support one another the fight seems a little less :)

14-07-10, 11:00
Would you mind describing your tremors in more detail? Lately I have been getting very uncomfortable 'shakes' or 'rumbles' in my chest area, that I can only describe as like a mini-earthquake sort of feeling... It only lasts a few seconds but it's hugely uncomfortable. Don't think it affects my pulse. I suspect there is a correlation with eating too quickly or walking right after having eaten. I also get those heart symptoms from time to time, and often a vertigo-ish sensation when standing still, which I realized is a direct result of me using lifts far more often in my new job :P

17-07-10, 21:21
I also get this and its so so uncomfortable and frightening. I just keep telling myself to calm down. Haven't started my therapy am still on the waiting list.