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View Full Version : I DID IT!!!!! Thank you Tracey...continued

18-02-06, 08:36
I was sitting on the settee last night and I kept feeling really dizzy and kept getting a sharp pain in the left side of my head. Everytime I stood up or even moved my head to one side the dizziness got worse. I managed to ignore it and it settled down a bit. The feeling was terrifing though.
This morning the dizziness is slight but I am scared that I am going backwards. My head isn't aching but it feels like I have pins and needles. I am dreading the school run incase I go dizzy and pass out or collapse.
I feel so stressed out and can't relax.
Anyone with any words of support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

Take Care



18-02-06, 10:14
you are doing right by trying to let the moment pass. but the answer is not to hope the pain goes away but to accept it whether it does or it doesnt

hard i know but the only way

ps keep going your head will not fail you as you think it will

18-02-06, 10:36
Hi Chuck,

Fear breeds fear which breeds fear..........

A fact that we are all too aware of! You worry that the feelings will make you pass out etc which in turn makes your feelings worse. Try to keep busy the next couple of days and ignore the voice of panic, tell it to sod off! Easier said than done, as I well know!, but keep reminding yourself you have achieved SO much with the school run.

Keep your chin up!

Love Kate xx

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

18-02-06, 11:07
firstly sorry ive not posted for ages my pc has been playing up yet again... but it is sorted now...
you have been in my thoughts and i have still been sending posative vibes as i know you still go out and do the walk in half term...
i second what kate has said... tell the fear to sod off... and yes we all know its easier said than done ... but you will be ok on monday... you have done it many times now and i think you are doing great...
i know this isnt much help but just wanted to let you know that we are all still 110% behind you...
i hope you are feeling a little better and things settle over the week end for you
take care

18-02-06, 11:21
Hi Chuck,

When you feel like this try to do something to take your mind off of it, the more you worry about it the worse it gets.

Just keep reminding yourself, you will not pass out,, you will not collapse, its just the anxiety trying to scare you, and do like Kate says, tell it to sod off, mind, knowing you the words will be a lot stronger than sod off [}:)]

You are doing so well mate, don't let these blips make you think otherwise.

Take care

Tracey xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

18-02-06, 11:23
LOL Trac!

I thought I'd better keep the wording "clean"!!! [}:)][}:)][}:)]


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

18-02-06, 11:24
Totally agree mate - do your best to keep occupied and let it pass.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-02-06, 13:30
Hi all and thank you for your replies. I am feeling much better than this morning and the dizziness has gone again.
I just think maybe it was because of the stress of the week with Kev and the kids.
I rang Kev and he has taken the kids out for a while so that I can relax and have some time on my own. He wasn't happy about coming up mind! he just doesn't realise that I need a break.

Take Care



18-02-06, 13:57
Hi Chuckle,

I totally relate to how you are feeling, and I am certain you will be fine on Monday. I feel the same too, but I think its just where we've had half term off. Yes, Monday is going to be a challenge, but think how we'll feel by Friday!!

You have done so well and made so much progress that you can't give up now!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

18-02-06, 16:28
Hi Tracy, No I wont give up on it because I have been doing really well. It has settled down again now so hopefully it will not be too bad on Monday.
Hope you are doing well!

Take Care



19-02-06, 09:20
I woke up this morning feeling loads better and although I am not looking forward to the school run I am not going to worry about it because I know that it's going to be difficult but worrying just makes it worse.
Thank you all for your replies.

Take Care



19-02-06, 10:32

Glad you are feeling better today, and you will be fine tomorrow mate, I am here if you need to ring me ok.


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

19-02-06, 12:03
Well I havent had a bad half term on the whole - done lots of getting about with the youngest and a little bit at night on my own.

We will get back to our little routine tomorow though girls and gather to compare notes as we go.:D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-02-06, 12:35
Thanks Tracey and Piglet for your replies. I am trying not to think too much about the school run tomorrow because I know I will start to worry.
Well done Piglet!!!

Take Care



20-02-06, 10:21
Hi all, After having about an hours sleep because Jamie was ill, I woke up feeling giddy, jelly legged and really anxious. I had to get Jonathan to school in a taxi which may be the cowards way out but I felt there was no possible chance of me getting there by walking.
Hopefully tomorrow I will get him there by foot.

Take Care



21-02-06, 13:58
Hi Chuck xx
Sorry I havent been on for a while and Iv just read ur post xx
You are doing extremly well, just hold your head up and remind yourself how far you have come already!! xx you are an inspiration xx
If you need to talk you know where I am xx

Luv Laura xx

21-02-06, 16:02
How's it going mate.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.