View Full Version : another anxiouse morning ggrrrrrrrrrrr

11-07-10, 10:25
i totaly hate morning i no just what i will feel like its getting ti a point were i dont want to go to sleep as end of the day i am not to bad i mean i could not go out or anything but i feel a lot better than wen i wake its like my shoulders are deadweights my mind is all over the place i say my arms are spaggatti all over place i just feel a total wreck the minute i get up why as then half my days gone fighting with all this to get to feeling a bit more normal i an to wore out to do half my jobs by this time wich i ave to admitte make me anxiouse cus so many of my house work jobs are not getting done i realy cook as i feel sick till i ave unknotted myselfso my son and husband fend for them selfs or go without my son is 19 i do ave a 15yr old daughter who does nothingany way here hopeing some one can help me wake up feeling a bit better i ave tried to relax wen i go to sleep thanks for letting me winge tale care all trishxxxx

11-07-10, 10:51
Hi Trish

I really do understand about the not wanting to go to sleep, I do not have regular bad mornings as I did, but if I have had a good day I dread going to sleep as I never know what tomorrow will bring.

If I do have a bad morning, I wake up feeling so down but anxious, like something bad has or is going to happen, it may be just the dream I had that night, but I feel like I am knotted in the stomach and I want to run away but yet don't want to even get out of bed... it does eventually pass but sometimes it can last a day or several.

I do know that if I do get up and am busy or change my routine and I am allowed to feel loved but given the space to work through it it does disappear quicker, I also find that going for a run or the gym when I wake puts me in a more positive frame of mind.. I haven't run in years but have started again but am still at walk/run mode.. I long for the day that I can run the whole distance so that I can get that total feel good factor.

I would say to don't allow it to get hold (easier said than done, I know) but if I do have a bad start I find that if I allow myself to go with the negative it takes a lot longer for me to come out of it.. put on your fav cd in the morning or ask a family member to do it.. that helps me a lot... and believe me there aren't many fans of my music ha ha..

I wish you all the best, it will pay to go to bed relaxed I'm sure, but my experience is that regardless of whether I go to bed feeling great or not great I still cannot guarantee my mood the next day..
