View Full Version : What shall I do?? What is wrong with me??

11-07-10, 10:31
I need some advice please, I feel so bad and scared.

I've had an awful 7 months, my husband and I separated last yr for 3 months but got back together, I became pregnant and was going to abort but was told the baby hadnt formed so had to have a D&C to remove what was there. I was terribly anxious afterwards, developed a phobia of bleeding because my periods were heavy. I was put on a low dose pill to help my bleeding which they have so my phobia is alot better, but im worried about the risks of the combined pill all the time.

Then in feb this yr i was diagnosed with helicobacter and stomach ulcers, was very ill and had intense treatment which left me feeling ill for a while.

In June i had a headache (posted here about it), was a heavy brick feeling on one side of my head on crown area, hurt msinly when i walked around. 16 days later had another quite similar but o opposite side except this time my face on that side and jaw throbbed. I saw GP and he didn't think it was migraine (was my concern being on the pill). He said more like tension. Ever since then though ive been very tense and stressed. I wake daily feeling tense. This morning my jaw was throbbing and back of head:((( took 2 paracetamol and its abit better but im still tense.

I have 3 kids and pets but always coped before, now im just always anxious about my health again, my head is tense and i panic im goin to have more headaches:((( What is wrong with me?!!!

I left uni in May, I was doing a nursing degree, was in 2nd yr but left coz the bleeding phobia and feeling low was making me feel awful. Also was trying to repair my marriage and the man id briefly been dating during the time hubby and i split and became pregnant by was also there.

Adjusting to full time mum mode again isntveasy but im or was enjoying it.

A few months ago i saw GP panicking i was depressed but after a few tests he said it was just anxiety so no need for meds. My gp is reluctant to give out meds. I had an allergic to Cypralex an SSRI drug 6 yrs ago so I had to go on dothiepin trycyclic anti depressant which did help me, but as its an old drug i had alot of side effects.

Am i just suffering from stress?? Depression?? Im anxious about my health alot again but irs become more severe since those 2 headaches last month:((( im worried all the time, rense, snappy??!! Gp says ive bern on pill since April and been fine so irs not migraines from the pill so to relax (as i think thats my concern).

Im so stressed, few times this week my chest has been heavy and tight like on verge of panic attack:((( Ive not suffered like this in 6 yrs and last time that happened id had a misscarrage.

Please can someone help and give me their opinion/advice? Im so tense ive hardly slept all week:(((

Im on iphone so sorry for any mistakes.

11-07-10, 23:18
Sorry I ramble, has noone any advice? Meds? Counselling? I just don't know how to combat this stress and tension.

I want to feel relaxed again and not suffer so much. All day today down right side of head at the back I had a horrible heavy brick feeling:-( I guess that is a form of tension headache. :-(( I never used to suffer. I can't control my stress levels.

Going home
11-07-10, 23:35
Why are you so scared that your headaches could be migraines? Granted migraines aren't a walk in the park but lots of people get them...me included, and they're not life threatening and can be managed with the right meds. So if your headaches were migraines what would you be so scared of?

Anna xx

11-07-10, 23:36
I guess im worried id need to come off pill and my bleeding may become bad again. I just hate having such frequent headaches, i feel like they are caused by stress, but i cant seem to stop stressing.

Going home
11-07-10, 23:41
Oh I see, ok well as has been said before, migraines don't usually move around, they tend to come on in the same place every time so I think your doctor is right when he says its not this, so yes it could be tension headaches and the clue is that you say this morning you had a very painful jaw which indicates alot of tension even when you sleep.

Anna xxx

12-07-10, 00:11

your prob looking for someone to say don't worry, stress anxiety etc are the cause

look at it logically, you've just written a story that makes it plain to anyone these see ur problems, and u want reassurance, I ask myself the question - has ANYONE other than yourself noticed concen of your health of than stress relYed, in guessing not
6 months ago, I diagnosed myself with a disease, knowing nothing about it at all, I then looked up symptoms on the net continually

my symptoms all pointed to that disease which I learned the symptoms of, isn't it strange that we allways fear the worst, if there's a 1 percent chance of a nasty illness and the other 99 that it's something far less serious. We always are sure it's the serious illness

are headaches common? Ask nurofen. They have made a lot of money selling selling litle boxes of tablets that people buy day in, day out, have them people got something seriously wrong with then? Doubtful. Our world is full of areas

Your health symptoms will not go away, while u worry about them, if u get a headache, tummy ache, sore tooth, painful toe, take it for wat it is, you only get one chance at life, enjoy it, in trying too, but in in the sane boat as u, I really do no how hard it can be! I promise

view your Gp as q trained mechanic, if he thought there was something wrong with ur car, he'd tell you straight away, if not, drive around as normal , he's there as a professional that's seen disease problems, and anxiety problems day in say out, they see maybe 40 people a day? They know what they are doing!

I hope u stArt to feel better, it may be a long road, but think if u can get 5 percent better every week with anxiety , after a few weeks ull be a he'll of a lot closer to feeling better!

Take care!

12-07-10, 13:30
Thank you all so much, your replies are really supportive and helpful.

I feel abit calmer today, but i seem to have good days and bad, and i cant remember how it feels to not worry about my health, i had overcome it so much aswell:weep:

I want to go back to a time where I ignored the thoughts I had and just got on with life.

I think all the stress ive been through has knocked me for six and I am finding it hard to pick myself back up.

12-07-10, 13:35
Oh I see, ok well as has been said before, migraines don't usually move around, they tend to come on in the same place every time so I think your doctor is right when he says its not this, so yes it could be tension headaches and the clue is that you say this morning you had a very painful jaw which indicates alot of tension even when you sleep.

Anna xxx

Thanks Anna, all makes sense:D