View Full Version : Please help - ongoing symptoms i am worried what it is ....

11-07-10, 11:06
Hi, i have done a few posts on here about feeling "fluey". Feeling tired, weak, achey, skin sensitive and sore, feels like i have a temperature, goosepimply, chilled type feelng at times too. I keep sweating too. Night sweats and just on an off during the day. Even when i do little activities the sweat pores from me.
My appetite is off too and i keep feeling sick and occasionally having to run to the loo (sorry tmi). Not sure if that bit is anxiety though.

It has been for around 4 weeks now, sometimes it eases off and i think i am getting better, then its back to square one.

I saw the doctor a couple of weeks ago who says it could of been summer flu in which case it will take a while to go and i should go back mid july for blood tests if no better.

I dont know what to do, i feel so poorly, although its on and off, its clearly something wrong with me. I feel like i have a temp and the doctor did check a couple weeks ago and said i had a low grade temp.

so if i have a temperature, then my body is fighting something. What is it fighting? I darent check my temperature as i dont want to cause more panic. But it does feel like i have one, on and off.

I am scared something serious is going on. I shouldnt feel like this still surely. I am scared i have something bad.

I do have m.e but i must say this has never been a symptom for me. It just doesnt feel like m.e either.

Please can anyone shed some light? Any experiences similar etc?

I am going for my blood tests on thurs and seeing the doctor the following week.

thankyou everyone,

sarah x :scared15:

11-07-10, 22:08
anybody had anything similar?

sarah x

Going home
11-07-10, 22:29
The symptoms of flu are what you are describing, but that's because flu affects the muscles and joints and the muscles and joints are also affected by anxiety. When we worry about anything really badly we tense up and that makes the muscles in every part of our body painful...and I do mean every part, even the eye muscles. This constant tension can also take away our energy and this is why anxiety can mimic flu...alot of people here feel this too. Nobody can have flu that runs on and on so its more than likely to be extreme tension. However, its always worth asking the doctor for a blood test to rule out anything physical that could make you feel like this.

Anna xxx