View Full Version : CAN'T

11-07-10, 11:14
I just wondered if anyone else thought like this. It's a really bad habit/thought process that I can't break.
If there's any situation/event coming up I always say 'I CAN'T do it!' & worry myself sick about it before eventually bottling it & avoiding the situation.

But the problem is, I KNOW I can do it! Loads of times in my life where I thought 'I can't do it, I can't do it!' & then when I've forced myself, I have DONE it & done it well. So it's annoying me that I can't just keep forcing myself everytime & the opportunities I've missed through bottling it when in reality I have probably been fine & enjoyed myself. Even going as far back as when I was at school, I used to be asked out by my mates to something & I'd be like 'I can't go!' when I could really, I was just telling myself I couldn't....

I'm also bad for finding excuses for EVERYTHING...

The thing is, I have a Uni audition tuesday afternoon for a Theatre & Performance degree. I've got to perform this comedic monologue that shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes but I'm really freaking out about it & close to bottling it again. & This is worrying me this time because I DON'T want to bottle this, this is something I really want. I know I can do it & it's only going to be a few minutes of my life. But the worry & again, the THOUGHT of doing it, is driving me insane & sending my anxiety through the roof. I really feel like I need this & okay, I might make a mess of it but I want to be able to say that I've tried.

Is anyone else really bad for this?

Can any of you offer any pointers on how I can gear myself up for this please?

12-07-10, 01:32
omg!! you sound just like me. . ive just finished my first year on a musical theatre degree. ive been performing for about 14 years now. i love it. however since my anxiety has got bad ive steered more and more away from doing it. it got so bad recently that i dropped out of my end of year show. im a person that always says "i cant do it" specially recently..but alot of situations ive said it about.. turns out ive been fine!!! its always in our control, alot of things ive read have mentioned self esteem. have faith that you can!. if performing is something you love to do ..then dont give up. im working with these thoughts all the time. it can change! performing arts is a very hard thing to do if you suffer with anxiety/panic. but HAVE FAITH. we are in control of our feelings and fears! . good luck with your audition!! x