View Full Version : please help blood in underwear guy's.

11-07-10, 16:43
am really panicing
i think i going to die, just been to toilet and i notice a small dry blood mark on the front of my underwear.

any guy had something like this?
i think i now got cancer, and that am going to die. :weep:

any help please

11-07-10, 19:08
by the way am sure its not blood in urine

11-07-10, 19:21
Where abouts in your underwear?
Could it have gotten on there before you were wearing them, ie from someone else?

11-07-10, 20:12
in the front area of my boxer's, just below were my penis would be a bit to the right of centre.
i got a picture of it but don't know if can put it on here

don't want to make any one feel sick.

no its only 2nd time i wear them, i also i cheek the underwear i wear on saturday there was clean

11-07-10, 20:23
I doubt it came from your penis as you would have noticed it on the tip too.
If youre not in any pain nor noticing a pink tinge to your urine you will be ok.
Have a look around that area and see if you have any broken skin, it might have been a bite or something thats not obvious.
I think its ok to post a photo of the blood.

11-07-10, 20:41
here the picture

11-07-10, 21:48
I'm using my iPod so can't see it too well. It's only a small amount of blood, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Unless you're feeling ill or have blood in your urine I would wait to see If it happens again then go and see your gp.

11-07-10, 22:09
calm down, is that inside or outside? Could you have hurt yourself there is a pice of skin that connects the foreskin to the penis, have you cut that slightly?

If its outside, it could be off your finger or something or you have simply pulled a pube.

Keep and eye on it, worse case senario is its a vein that popped inside prostate which is common and notting to worry about but get checked by a doc if it keeps happening.

Spicey foods can also cause this, and alcohol.

Calm downyour not dieing.

Going home
11-07-10, 22:18
I think its easy to panic when we see blood, more so if its in the genital or anal area but sometimes you can see alot of blood and it can be nothing. I remember some years ago my hubby bled from his penis after we had sex and it scared me half to death because there was so much blood. He wasnt in any pain and was told by the doctor it was quite common, something to do with the small blood vessels going pop! As has been said, just keep your eye on it and if it happens again ask your doc to take a look.


11-07-10, 22:40
calm down, is that inside or outside? Could you have hurt yourself there is a pice of skin that connects the foreskin to the penis, have you cut that slightly?

If its outside, it could be off your finger or something or you have simply pulled a pube.

Keep and eye on it, worse case senario is its a vein that popped inside prostate which is common and notting to worry about but get checked by a doc if it keeps happening.

Spicey foods can also cause this, and alcohol.

Calm downyour not dieing.

its inside

so just forget about it?

11-07-10, 23:35
i like to say thank you all for the replys

i get what tommy saying i was kind of trying to asking every one should i got to doctors or leave it

but with the fact my anxiety is high now its hard for me to spell sorry all :(

Going home
11-07-10, 23:37
Don't worry, anxiety makes us do strange things. I would say leave it for now but obviously if you see any more blood then go and have a word with the doc.

Take care
Anna xxx

11-07-10, 23:40
calm down, is that inside or outside? Could you have hurt yourself there is a pice of skin that connects the foreskin to the penis, have you cut that slightly?

there is a very sore line under my penis witch just notice its like a angry red

12-07-10, 00:17
I don't think it's anything to worry about like people have said maybe a little burst blood vessel or a scratch, or spot? What colour is your urine? I think you should go to the dr not cause I think you have anything to worry about but because it'll help reassure you and rule anything out, go for your peace of mind. Try and relax, deep breaths. I've been taught in cbt to try not to let my mind run away with me or catastrophize when my anxiety gets high. Just think about it in small logical steps. You have found a mark in your boxers, may or may not have come from your penis. It could be alot of harmless things or nothing at all. You'll see the doctor to get checked out. End of. Don't let your thoughts run away with you. Anxiety is horrible! Really hope your feeling calmer and I'm sure the dr will put your mind at rest! :)

12-07-10, 00:47
thank you cj
i start my cbt on tuesday can not wait

the more i look at it i think its skin i try my boxers on again and the mark is nowear near my penis
and am sure that it can not be urine thing

12-07-10, 00:54
That's great ya going to be having CBT, it really helps you to look at your thoughts and how some can be really unhelpful. Hopefully you'll learn loads of new skills to help you I'm finding it really interesting, Not easy at times but all very positive and hopefully will help me deal with horrible anxiety! Really hope it goes well for you! :)
and if ya are still worried bout mark in ya boxers see ya dr, no point in worrying yaself sick when dr can help you and settle ya concerns! :)

12-07-10, 01:03
cheers cj and again thank you all for posting

i can not wait as well

when i went to the first meeting she give me a called an introduction to coping with health anxiety
it was a real eye opener for me

12-07-10, 01:32
Hi, I think its probably just from your skin. I have skin that cracks sometimes in the folds and bleeds a little, sounds like something like that, and that leaves a little touch of blood on pants, which you notice if you are wearing light coloured underwear, of course.

12-07-10, 02:19
You got classic health anxiety, poor fella you will probally be monitoring and checking it for a few days, then will forget all about it.

CBT will help you a lot

Are you on meds, I had all the CBT in the world but it was effexor that really worked for me. (i guess i shouldnt be pushing drugs on people) but in my own experienced i suffered for 5 years some days never thought i would be better, and some days it was just a struggle to get through the day, i can say the meds which I never thought would work, changedmy life I have been 98% anxiety free for the past 2 years

Just give you an example of something that really freaked me out once, i woke up and my spit was all brown, i paniced for hours nd hours thinking it was blood

it turned out to be the cola from the nitebefore :yahoo:

12-07-10, 10:33
to make matters worst my 18month old dog has died :(

your right about that tommy i been cheeking every few hours

12-07-10, 13:07
Ah Jesus your poor dog :(

12-07-10, 13:39
Thank you tommy

been to doctor, she said it's nothing and I should stop worryIng

12-07-10, 20:24
feel very low
sorry for reposting

19-07-10, 17:56
how you feeling no my friend, not forgetting you I am having a shitty day think my meds pooped out