View Full Version : Emotional Blunting

11-07-10, 18:51
About 6 months now on the Citalopram.

Not really feeling down or depressed anymore. Not entirely feeling like me either. Well, at the risk of scaring anyone off who is considering taking these tablets - they have changed my personality. But hey, what do you expect from a psycho-active drug that is supposed to change your mood?

Much more direct and sometimes confrontational in dealing with people. Used to be socially anxious in some situations, now much more likely to just put my point and not really give a toss what the other person thinks. Feeling much more male in terms of attitude and outlook. Generally less empathic and sensitive. I know other peoples feelings exist, but I don't care about them so much.

I like it, but I have to be careful it does not boil over into anger. Easily irritated and don't suffer fools either. More agressive too :-(.

But - not lying in bed for 20 hours a day thinking there's no point. Want to get out there and grab life (sometimes by the throat!).

Okay really - just wonder if the testosterone levels are up. Blimey - is this who I am without depression?

13-07-10, 16:21
Hi Tiger

I feel lot more selfish since i've been on these tablets like i'm the only person who's feelings matters exept my little boy.
I ve been on them for 2 and half months so still not feeling the proper effect as recently had the dose increased due to some not very nice thoughts i kept having but i do wonder if it's really me i feel like i sruggle to have emphaty for other people and feeling bit heartless.

I really hope that is not me :ohmy:


14-07-10, 07:45
Hi Tiger,

I think that is how alot of these meds make us feel. I have taken a few different types over the years and found they always seem to make me less sensitive etc and sometimes quite sharp with people and even snappy at times!!

I know that I am not usually like that so know its the meds and in some ways its a good thing as I am a sensitive person naturally (or used to be lol)...so I wouldn't worry.
