View Full Version : Tigh neck muscles left side causing horror!

11-07-10, 19:05
I've been suffering from anxiety for years. Now I've been getting these symptoms. Left shoulder/neck muscles feel like they're shorter then on the other side. When I turn my head to the right they are really tight. And when I massage it it hurts up to my left ear. Also, numbness kind of feeling on the leftside of the head. All the way to the front. along with feeling ill and dizzy.

I cant fall asleep at night cause it gets worse when i lay down. please help me.

Need reassures on this one. Scared that its a tumor or something horrible.


11-07-10, 19:23
Youve just got a very very tense muscle. I would have a very warm bath or shower and focus the water on that area. Then ask someone to stroke and massage the muscles. Dont go overboard, just a little bit to relax them. Do this for a few days and see how you feel.

11-07-10, 19:54
Thanks alot. I need to read answer like this one. Thanks a lot :bighug1:

11-07-10, 19:59
No problem. I hope you feel a bit better soon.

11-07-10, 20:13
I do sympathise with you on having come through panic attacks and anxiety symptoms I have been left with this symptom and I am sure it is tension. When I find my neck and shoulder muscles really tight I tend to do alot of stretching and find I have to keep correcting my posture as this also helps to prevent it. Warm baths do help alot and I am at the moment considering going to see somone for a proffessional massage as I have been told this would help.

Hope you feel better soon

11-07-10, 20:27
I would love to get a professional massage, but I dont think I could relax enough and not have an attack XD

11-07-10, 20:47
Ive been going through this for a couple months.. Some days its more tense than others. Its my right side though shoulder to neck. The muscles in neck are so taught that a redness appears because of the tension sometimes.. I just have to try and watch my posture, use a muscle rub on the shoulder. Im due a physio assessment soon as I had this 10 years ago and 6 weeks of physio put it right.

12-07-10, 09:19
Yeah. Im going to the doctors today. I had to go there anyway. Since Ive been having big time panicanxiety every day for about a month (nothing new really, been living with it like forever). Going there to get Sobril/Oxascand (Benzo meds). I will talk to them about getting someone for massage.
Its really horrible. And it freaks me out at night. That and my anxiety/stress levels are going through the roof.

12-07-10, 16:07
Hi there

I've just posted a thread about neck spasms. It's dreadful. I truly sympathise with you all. I have it in my right shoulder, right side of neck - expanding round to the base of my skull. Never going to the left though. I have sometimes a right sided headache, the pain sometimes radiated to my jaw. I do clench at night and have TMJ problems; however this neck business is horrid.

Went to docs, going back Friday. I'm off work. I can't make a habit of this. It's ruining everything. I think I'll try Yoga? Defo will mention to GP about physio? Worth a shot. Was told about Reki... a form of relaxation/massage. I'll try anything to rid myself of this and get off Codeine.... My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Neen xx

27-07-10, 11:41
Just when I thought mine was calming down I lifted something heavy ( forgot ), and few hours later the tension was horrible. Felt like from my shoulder up neck to bone at back of ear.Also it makes the throat feel tight.. Just hate this tension. Have physio assessment in few days.. It did help years ago so hoping it will this time.

09-08-10, 17:47
Yeah throat muscles also feels tense. Since posting this it has gotten better but today its bad again. Could it be that now when Im fighting my way free, that the symptoms become more clear to me?