View Full Version : cipralex / lack of libido?????

11-07-10, 21:26
hello all im sorry i didnt knoiw where to post this 1, but ive been on my meds for 6 weeks now and have noticed that my libido is pract very very low!!! now i really wasnt interested in it when i was very poorly as was last thing on my mind but past couple of weeks have been feeling slightly better only to notice my sex drive is nearly 0. if this is a side effect i can deal with it but am worrid ill always be like it. i have looked at a little research that ssri's can do this but am scared and hoping that maybe it will get better in a few months, if i was single i really wouldnt worry but am not... any 1 else had this problem????? if so did it get better for you??? im just wondering as really at the moment my tablets aremore important to me than anything else at the moment as i want to get well. but just a bit confussed. dont want to offend any 1 mentioning this and if i have im sorry just worrid thats all.

many thanks lisa :blush:

12-07-10, 10:19
Hi Lisa,

That happened to me too, but I explained to my partner, and he completely understood. So, try not to worry because it is a completely normal (but annoying) side effect! It did get better after a while though, and this was mainly due to the fact that I was feeling a lot more relaxed and better in myself, but nothing like it was before I was on the meds!

I'm off them now, and sex drive is getting back to normal!

12-07-10, 10:49
thank you, its the last thing on my mind at the minute and my partner is understanding i guess its just me worrying ill be like it always thats all.. im glad you r well now as your off ur meds thats good good news and hope for us all. thankyou for ur kind words

take care lisa

12-07-10, 12:12
I know Citalopram can affect people like that a lot (it certainly did me) and Cipralex is very similar stuff I believe. Don't worry though, That side effect goes away after you finish treatment I think, I'm pretty sure it does'nt have a lasting effect like that, it certainly did'nt with me.