View Full Version : Coming off citalopram

11-07-10, 21:27
After years and years of being on antidepressants I've decided to go cold turkey. I did the same thing some years ago with paroxetine and went through horrendous side effects for some weeks.

I'm off work at the moment due to a multiple sclerosis relapse and stopped taking citalopram last week. Going away on holiday in around 10 days so hope I'm feeling okay by then.

I'm now shaking slightly and getting this weird whooshing in my ears (and eyes) when I turn my head. I was tearful earlier today but now feel furiously angry.

Hell fire, how long does this last, I can't remember from last time. I needed to go back on antidepressants eventually.

I'm suspecting I repress my anger which turns into depression. Keeps things quiet for the family but long term, I'm not dealing with the crap I should be.

Has anyone else gone cold turkey? How long does this feeling last? if so, has anyone been on antidepressants for 15 + years and managed to live without them?

Thank you so much - and by the way hello!!!

12-07-10, 07:14

Not sure going cold turkey is the right thing to do as in my past experiences have always found it better to reduce slowly this way it helps avoid bad withdrawal effects but then we are all different.

Hope it goes o.k for you....post and let us know.

Take care

14-07-10, 15:35
cold turkey is brave but perhaps a bit silly lol - any kind of medication your body has got used to should be withdrawn slowly - however - i can understand the temptation to get it over with and chuck the lot in the bin! i think it is great you are starting to indentify reasons for your depression and being more assertive/speaking up/stating your needs more will stop you having to push those feelings down. i do know of people who have come off a'd's after years so it can be done x