View Full Version : Wondering if fluoxetine will ever help anxiety

11-07-10, 21:52
I have been on loads of different types of antideps - dothiepin, clomipramine, venlafaxine, seroxat, and most recently fluoxetine. The seroxat was good for panic attacks but made me gain so much weight - I was ravenously hungry all the time! and so I started fluoxetine about 5 ish weeks ago. I increased to 40mg daily a week or two ago (time is becoming a bit of a blur). I have been so tempted to stop taking it due to the terrible anxiety, nausea and upset stomachs but my doctor has urged me to give it more time. Just wondering how long it will take and what do I do if it doesn't ever help?

12-07-10, 10:16
Hi Paula,

I took fluoxetine for a while, but couldn't handle the side effects of nausea, increased anxiety etc, so changed it for escitalopram which worked wonders. I'm sure if I'd have stuck with fluoxetine, the side affects would have subsided, but I just couldn't handle it. Escitalopram was really good though, I felt back to my normal unanxious self within a few days.

Hope this helps.

12-07-10, 12:16
I used to be on it a couple of years back and at that time it really worked for me, however I can't remember how long that took, my current doctor says its clinical trial for how long it takes to work is 8 weeks, and that if it still isn't helping after that time then perhaps its not the best med for the job. Mind you, we're all different and thats just what my doctor says.

I stuck with them and did have a tremendous improvement, though when starting them I did'nt have the nausea and stomach troubles, I did however get night sweats and a definately increased level of anxiety for a good while.

Stick with what your doctor says, but don't be afraid to keep going back to talk abotu it, and if you can't get hold of him, talk to pharmacists.

12-07-10, 19:12
Thanks for your advice, I will give it another couple of weeks and see if any improvement :)

sarah jayne
17-07-10, 09:33
Ive been on them for 5 weeks. The change in my anxiety has been gradual but they have definately made an improvement, this past week ive been feeling more like my old self x

17-07-10, 11:42
That's good to know Sarah Jayne, and thanks everyone for your replies. I have been taking them for 6 weeks exactly today and felt slightly better the last couple days. The thing I like about the fluoxetine is that it has not made me fat and hungry all the time like the other meds I have tried - in fact I have lost half a stone since starting them! Also I feel a bit less tired and have more energy on these and I think a bit more focus so I really hope to God they do start to help my anxiety. I have cut out caffiene and started exercising too to try to help. xxx

sarah jayne
17-07-10, 12:37
They have made me lose weight aswell. ive lost a stone, ive finally lost my baby weight 4 years later lol ! x

17-07-10, 13:16
yeah i lost weight on them, which was'nt a bad thing for me, I hear they are an appetite suppresant, though obviously I can't confirm that.

17-07-10, 16:54
Well it's a welcome relief to lose some weight after I gained 1 and half stones on paroxetine/seroxat! Paroxetine made me ravenously hungry all the time, I never felt full and just felt obsessed with food all the time, it was mad. The past 6 weeks I started off unable to eat much at all due to my anxiety but now I think I have a normal healthy appetite and have started exercising too - still got another stone of paroxetine weight to lose!