View Full Version : I Don't Know What to do Anymore!

11-07-10, 23:25
Hello everyone

I usually post on the health anxiety forum but I suffer from anxiety constantly and I just don't know what to do anymore. A lot of the time I feel fine and I think I have managed to carry on with life in a compromised way if that makes sense, I manage to do things but it is always with one eye on feeling anxious. I just feel so overwhelmed today and I can't see any way out of this rut I have been in for the last seven years!

I didn't always used to be like this, I can remember when I used to have fun and not worry whether I would feel bad in a crowd etc. I worry about my health all the time now but lately I have also been worrying about what I am going to do with my life. I have just turned 29 and I feel like my life is all but over. I wanted to do so many things but if I think about my future all I can picture is a tunnel that gets narrower and narrower with options. I really am at a loss as to what to do anymore.

My husband is very supportive but I just want someone to help me, I don't really know what with but I wish someone could just give me a pill to take all these horrible feelings away forever.

There are so many things in my life I should be thankfulful for and all I can think about is how I feel. All I think is that one day I won't feel like this, or one day things will be better but it never will.

Anyway, I apologise for rambling and posting about nothing in particular but I just needed to put it out there.

Going home
11-07-10, 23:46
Hi there, sorry you feel so down. have you suffered with these feelings for the last 7 years without medication or any sort of therapy? You sound a bit depressed to me to be honest so maybe a quiet chat to your doctor would be the next step.

Anna xx