View Full Version : Hi Dudes dont let your problems beat you :)

12-07-10, 09:54
I am determined not to let my phobias beat me and I am a bit like a weeble, I get knocked down but always bounce back up again. Its hard at times, but I have one saving grace and that is I am tenatious and stubborn as well so I will not allow my mind to beat me if I can help it. Good luck to all you peeps out there who are in the same boat as me with whatever mental health problem you may have.

12-07-10, 09:55
Hi Romanboss

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
12-07-10, 11:33
Hi an welcome to NMP :welcome: paige x

12-07-10, 11:44
Hi there,

Weeble would be a great username actually - wish I'd thought of it!! LOL


12-07-10, 12:08
hello and welcome.

Its good to see a positive attitude towards beating your problems despite how they're getting you down :welcome:

12-07-10, 12:23
nice introduction romanboss .. good positive thinking and thats a big step to getting well again.. :welcome: Tony

12-07-10, 12:24
I love your way of thinking.... good on you! I too am trying the same, just conquered my biggest phobia last week after months of avoiding it.... got to keep fighting the fight!

12-07-10, 22:29
What a great mind set you have - wish I were more possitive. Infact I think you've just reminded me that I used to be like that, maybe it's time to change back!