View Full Version : HELP!!

12-07-10, 10:18
I have sudden onsets of thinking that I have some killer disease which I know is completely irrational!

Over the weekend, I have noticed that I have started mixing up my words, not slurring but just saying things in the wrong order occasionally. Well, I have convinced myself that it is a brain tumour (even though I have no headache regularly). At the moment of panic, my arms go tingly and my brain becomes clouded and I associates these with the brain tumour.

Please tell me I am normal or at least, not as crazy as I think!


12-07-10, 11:24
Anxiety speeds us up a hell of a lot and can lead to us trying to speak too quickly. I find that when Im very anxious all of my words become one long word with no gaps and I can slur and not pronouce some of the sounds properly. Its the same for the saying things in the wrong order, your brain is just going too quickly and its getting jumbled up.
Take a deep breathe and relax, then try and speak slowly.

12-07-10, 14:12
Thanks for your reply. I sometimes feel like I am losing the plot. I am now listening to every word I say which is making it happen more.

How long do these go on for or do you have it all the time?

I have just started attending Hypnosis, had my first session a few weeks ago, its not helped yet but I am hoping in the long term it will.

H x

12-07-10, 15:40
When im going through a bad patch Ill be like it until my body starts to slow down. So I can spend weeks talking so fast noone else can understand me.
Dont focus on what youre saying. Just focus on relaxing all of your muscles and keeping calm. The more you focus on it the more mistakes you'll make and it will just make it worse.