View Full Version : Panic Attacks/Chest Pains

12-07-10, 13:30

A few weeks ago I returned home from a relatively long car journey one evening and spent the rest of the evening relaxing. I started having some chest pains and it progressed into trembling, feeling like I needed the toilet and a huge panic going through my mind as to whether I should go the hospital, was I dying etc. I didn't get much sleep that night but when I woke up the following morning, the chest pain had gone but I was still emotionally shaken and couldn't eat. For piece of mind, I went to the hospital walk-in centre where they checked my blood pressure, oxygen level and blood sugar which was apparently normal. I then saw a doctor who checked my chest with a stethoscope and told me that she thought I had suffered a panic attack.

Before that night, I hadn't ever had a panic attack. A month or so previous to that night, I had been involved in a minor car accident when someone pulled out on me, which made me a bit nervous driving, which I think may have contributed to it.

Also, I have a kidney disease called Thin Basement Membrane which in theory shouldn't pose a problem for me, however I am meant to have an annual check up just to make sure. As this has involved blood tests, I've avoided them at all costs as I have a terrible phobia of needles and I think this may have been playing on my mind. My father also has a kidney disease (which may be completely unrelated from mine) and his led to kidney failure which involved him going on dialysis and eventually having a kidney transplant.

Over the years, I've had numerous occasional chest pains, not in a consistent place and I think I've been worried that there's something wrong with me, but not seen a doctor. At one time I thought this may have been caused by me drinking coca cola, which I then stopped drinking and it *seemed* to help but I'm not sure.

I live with my girlfriend, at her family's house and the relationship/living situation can sometimes be quite stressful. Other than that, I don't really feel particularly stressed in day to day life.

I've since taken steps to sort this out. I've been to a doctors to arrange my kidney check up (blood test tomorrow which is on my mind!) and I also explained my panic attacks. The doctor agreed that the symptoms did sound like panic attacks and measured my blood pressure again which was apparently normal. I also had a couple of moles looked at that I had been worrying about, I keep feeling like there is something wrong somewhere.

My panic attacks have generally been in the evenings but not as bad as the night described above. I have controlled them with deep breathing and relaxing etc yet I get very easily agitated and feel like I want to be left alone when it's happening, which isn't always possible here.

Sometimes the symptom such a chest pain has appeared before I panic, rather than the panic starting and then feeling any physical discomfort. Is this normal in this situation?

Sorry for the long essay but I'd like to see if anyone could offer any words of advice.


12-07-10, 19:52
many people talk about chest pain when having an anxiety attack. The other thing to check out is to make sure it is in your chest and not back pain, which can radiate to the chest area.

The reason I say this is because you mentioned the long journey where you were driving. it's just a friend gets bad chest pain after long haul flights and driving long distances but it radiates to her chest so bad, she describes it as though she were having a heart attack. It did turn out to be her back and now on long journeys, she wears a support

15-07-10, 09:24

Thanks for your replies.

Tuesday morning I went for a blood test for my kidney condition and it actually went really well with the help of the ELMA cream, I didn't feel a thing. However, the night previous to this, I had an awful panic attack, on par with the first one I had weeks ago.

I felt a really sharp sharp in the heart area, whilst I was laying down. Following this, the panic started and the feelings of wanting medical help appeared. Each time someone asked me anything, I felt really agitated. I tried to go to sleep and although the pain subsided, I was kept awake with the panic.

The following morning I went to the blood test and asked to see a doctor but they couldn't fit me in. So instead I went to the local walk in centre and explained everything to them. They did an ECG which was apparently normal and suggested that CBT or medicine would be the way forward.

They couldn't refer me to a CBT person themselves, but have printed off their notes for me to take to my GP, but unfortunately I can't get an appointment with them until Monday (when I should also get my kidney test results).

Since I found out that my heart was ok, I've been suffering with discomfort in the kidney area. It's especially worse when trying to lay down, yet I also get it whilst sitting and walking. I'm getting worried about my kidney condition, having avoided the tests for a number of years, so is it logical to assume that these kidney area pains are just down to my concerns?

I've also started to take St Johns Wort, but I understand these can take a while to start working?