View Full Version : Reassurance needed !!

becks xxx
12-07-10, 13:37
I know it's such a common anxiety thought to think "this isnt anxiety, it has to be something worse", but im in that state now where i can't stop thinking it
ive been suffering with depersonalization/derealistion (atleast thats wat i think it is) and i woke up with it terribly this morning, so again went on my google search and saw a post like: anxiety confused with epilepsy
so of course, now ive seen that, i keep gettin the little thoughts, "i have epilepsy" - what can i do guys !?!!? :(
and also, tomorrow i have a meeting
it needs to be attended, but im soo close to cancelling? i no after im only gonna fail myself, but no way can i sit in there with 5 pairs of eyes staring at me for an hour!!!!!
what if i get really bad, need to get out ?! what if i make the biggest fool out of myself ever. oh god!!!!!!!!! the stressssssssss, pls some1 help xxxx

12-07-10, 16:17
Becks, I can reassure you that all is okay. I am typing this while I am having the same problem/s. I have had a few panic attacks in the last couple of weeks. Now that they are gone, my chest/ribcage muscles are extremely sore and stiff. Of course, I am convinced that it is to do with my heart and that I am going to get a heart attack. I constantly try "not to get a heart attack...." How stupid? It saps all my energy and makes my life misery. Look, we are all going to die one day. How, when or where we don't know. You should really try to do exercise when you can and try deep abdominal breathing exercises. It works to at least immediatly calms you down.

Becks, you are 100% okay and you are not alone in this. You can really relax and put your mind to something else. Hang in there. This too shall pass!

becks xxx
12-07-10, 16:42
Thanks soo much for replying, and reassuring me!
Ah god, panic attacks are the worst!! haven't had one in 2/3 months thank god, hopefully they're on their way out!
the constantly "trying not to have a heart attack" i know exactly where ur coming from, i was exactly the same! and altho now im not having panic attacks, when i feel high anxiety i still have to remove myself from the situation? in fear of having one.
Do you suffer from deperonsalization/derealisation?
thats another thing lately, i seem to have a fear of me dying and my loved ones? is this common?
ah yeah i do the deep breathing everyday :) thanks so much for the reply! hope ur okay