View Full Version : In need of Reassurance

Self Doubt
12-07-10, 15:45
For almost a year now I have been struggling with intrusive thoughts and just the other week I was loosing my battle. I got to a point where I believed so deeply that I unintentionally was going to do horrible and horrendous things that I could no longer live. After telling my therapist I was planning my death I was sent to my local doctor and put on new medication and referred to a psychiatrist. I felt better for awhile afterward and my therapist and doctor would check up on me to see how everything were going, and for awhile I felt a lot better about myself and my life. However now things are getting rough again and I still haven't heard anything from the psychiatrist and I don't see my regular therapist until the end of the week. I don't feel anything is worth doing anymore if I am doomed to be a monster. All my life goals and dreams mean nothing to me anymore. I hate myself and I only stay for my family who would be devastated if I were to kill myself. But would they really miss me If they new I was a monster?

My question being: Is there a difference between someone who has the urge to do bad things and someone who has the urge but knows it is wrong and wont do it?

12-07-10, 15:57
hiya u poor thing i think you now the difference from right to wrong ! have you always felt like this and if so why n when do you think it srarted

Self Doubt
13-07-10, 02:30
I do know the difference between right and wrong. But I believe so deeply now that my intrusive thoughts are real that maybe they aren't intrusive at all. I just wish they would go away and I was a normal person. Before they started I thought of myself as a good person who only wanted to do good. But now I struggle with the idea that I am not because of what goes on in my head.

jude uk
13-07-10, 03:39
Believe it or not many people have intrusive thoughts but dont act on them. Think about someone that is so angry with someone that they want to hit them across the head with a bat but they dont....WHY? because they know its not rational to do so.
These thoughts are just un-rational that you are having and through therapy you will come through this a better person. So dont give up