View Full Version : Hi everyone! 20 year old male with anxiety

12-07-10, 15:48
Hi, i just wanted to introduce myself. I'm jamie, 20 from Glasgow.
I have just recently come to terms with my anxiety and i have still to seek help for my problems.

I'm just here to meet other people with the same problems as me as i feel so alone.

Okay so here is my story... and it's a long one, sorry!

As a child i was always seen as the "shy" one.... the "quiet" one.
I was an introvert child, and enjoyed playing by myself.
I never had a problem interacting with other children, i just preferred to play by myself.
At primary school i was a good hard working enthusiastic student.
I had a few friends who i grew up with.

I then went to High School were everything changed.
I became a lot more confident and outgoing. I met so many new friends.
I became a little overconfident actually.

I wasn't a very good student at high school. I would drink out in the streets with my friends and smoke cannabis with them. This went on right through my school years.

Until i turned 16. I left school. I never had any best friends. I had lots of friends and we used to socialize in a group. So when i left school i lost that group. I fell away from most of them, except two.
These two friends would come visit me at my house and we would smoke cannabis all day.
After about a year i kinda fell away from them too. They both found new friends and we drifted apart.
i was left on my own...... Still smoking cannabis everyday!

After about a year of smoking cannabis and not working and not having a social life, i became isolated from society. I was feeling depressed and paranoid and anxious. I knew all of these feelings were because of my drug taking. I was being given the drugs by someone who shouldn't have being giving me them, but i always take responsibility for my own actions.

I then knew that i had to stop smoking the cannabis. And i did! Just like that...

the symptoms did go down a little, but didn't disappear altogether.

During the next few years i was in and out of work, not being able to keep a job for longer than 6 months. I have had NO friends since about 16,17! I don't do much to be honest.

Then last year i took part in a government funded scheme to send me to a developing country to live and volunteer. Pretty much like the american corps. I went and had the best days of my life.
I was a completely different person. I met so many new friends and was just enjoying life.
but that was only temporary. It last for 3 months and then i came home.

I came home to find all my problems waiting for me again.

I came back to the UK last October 2009 and since then i have not been working...
I still have no friends or social life. And i hardly ever go outside.

As mad as it sounds.... with these symptoms i never once thought i had something wrong with me.
I just thought that it was normal or something... i dunno really...

But i have recently looked into social anxiety and agoraphobia and i am starting to believe i may suffer from both.

So i will try to list all of my symptoms.

I hardly ever venture outside.
I only go outside if i really have to. e.g. If i go to get my haircut, i get really anxious about what i will wear and how i will get to the barbers and how i am going to get back and what if i bump into an old friend. I usually take about 2,3 days of planning it.

I get nervous of going out into the garden to collect the washing from the rain in case my neighbors see me.

I get really anxious and nervous when a family member is coming to visit me. I live with my parents,bro and sister and i am completely fine around them. But if an aunt or uncle,cousin is visiting i usually take myself upstairs to my room until they have gone.

I don't like to answer or speak on the phone.
I don't like to answer the door.

When i do decide to go outside for whatever reason, i get extremely self conscious. I try on all different clothes and have to push myself to go out. I hate walking in the streets as i get very self conscious and anxious. I hate waiting for a bus and then getting onto the bus in case someone who knows me will see me.

When i do go out to say the mall or something.... Once i am actually there... i find my anxiety decreases a little... its just getting myself to these places.

I know i need help. This is affecting my whole life. I have no friends,relationships because of it. It's having an affect on my job life... I look for jobs and think i couldn't do that... Its too far away from home... how will i get there...

I just want to ask for any advice.
I have been looking online on different websites and also listening to peoples stories on youtube about social anxiety and agoraphobia and i am almost certain that is what i have.

So what next. I go the the doctors?
I am telling myself that is what i need to do....
But i am anxious once again... What do i say to him? Will he have any idea what im talking about?
What can they offer me....

And most of all... Will i ever get better? Will i ever live a normal happy anxious free life?

12-07-10, 15:50
Hi jmitchell10

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
12-07-10, 20:46
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

12-07-10, 20:51
Hi Mitchell. It's great to hear your story, and I'm glad you've found the forum. It's a great place to be.

Regarding seeing a GP, sort an appointment as soon as you can. Your GP will most likely understand (I've heard nothing to suggest that GPs don't understand anxiety disorders) and will prescribe you SSRIs of some sort to help alleviate your symptoms and will refer you for some form of psychological therapy.
Visiting your GP is your first step. They'll help. They won't judge you, they just want to help you get better. Don't forget that :)

14-07-10, 11:21
I agree with the GP suggestion.. book a double appointment so you get extra time to discuss what your feeling and take it from there. You will get better! Neil

14-07-10, 14:41
Thanks guy! i have booked an appointment for friday morning...

I don't know what i am going to say...
As expected... I am anxious!!

14-07-10, 15:20
Hey mate, 20 year old guy here too.

Best thing to do is go to the doctors and explain about it. Just explain your symptoms and he will probably pin it straight to anxiety anyway.

I cant see them sticking you on SSRI tablets straight away, it took about a year of me seeing the doctors before I did, went through beta blockers and counselling before they put me on citalopram. However, I didn't see the same doctor every time so I think that would be the best thing to do.

If you have a good doctor they will know what to do.

Welcome anyway!