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fretty freda
12-07-10, 15:48
what shall i do my depression and panic is back especially depression .

i had weened down to 5mg cipralex after being on 20 for 3 years i weened down about 6 months ago .

i was recently advised to increase the dose but 10mg is keeping me awake all night and i am pessimistic as to if it will help as it never did that much in the first place.

going back to my gp maybe ask for different medication ? this could make things worse or better the side effects of different medication could be worse.

has anyone found benefit from anyother type of medication?

i have had problems 10 years and there is not a day that goes by that i dont at some point think i feel bad will this ever go away :ohmy:

14-07-10, 22:55
I guess that you reduced the dose very quickly! Usually the dose gets lower very gradually and not so fast. if the med has worked for you once it will work again. I am on and off cipralex 3 years now and every time I was upping the dose it was always working for me. So if you want to get off the med you need to do it gradually and not all of a sudden.
Be optimistic!!

14-07-10, 23:02
I found citalopram almost impossible to sleep on in the first weeks of taking it, perhaps you are just experiencing the medicine getting back into your system after having weaned off it partially? i know cipralex is escitalopram and a little different but my doctor said its virtually the same drug as citalopram. Perhaps try asking RLR?

fretty freda
15-07-10, 00:24
thanks for your comments.

Danath RLR ??