View Full Version : fresh start

jaded jean
12-07-10, 18:12
As some of you may know I have had a bit of a rough time at work and last friday bought everything to a head . I look after old people on a scheme . whilst I have been working on my phased in return a small group decided they did not want me back in 'that ' state when I went sick with a breakdown. So I had to make a desicion as to what I wanted to do with work.
Long discussions ensued with my husband as to what I could do and it resulted in my asking for a community post. it was sorted out within hours and lo and behold here I am. a quick trip cross country and I am in my new base. its only a few miles drive but I will be outside on my own and ......HAPPY. its a shame that I had to be the one who had to move but in hindsight I know it was the best practical thing to do. I work part time in fact its half of what I used to do.so Happy Days.:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

12-07-10, 20:04
Jean I'm glad that you've made a change with your job and that you are happier. I'm sure you'll have made the right decision. I look in NMP from time to time now and I know that you have been through the mill and deserve some happiness and contentment. I've never thought of you as "jaded" though and I feel that you are doing a dis-service to yourself calling yourself this as I think you seem anything but! You seem like a really nice, strong person to me. Please don't take offence in me saying this but I just feel that it undermines your nice personality!!
Myra x

jaded jean
12-07-10, 20:18
I was thinking of changing my name as I progress Myra, you are very kind saying that I think the real Jean is slowly emerging so watch this space!!! Ido hope you are ok as well